Tuesdays are great around here with canasta and poker too! A whole day of friends, friendly games, and tonight is pizza night at poker. We do that twice a year. I'll have two slices of cheese pizza for 10 points and a big salad. I remember the last time I ate pizza I felt awful afterward but I love it so much I'll do it anyway. Maybe I'll only have one slice. And a bigger salad. Yeah, that's what I'll do and I'll still get to eat it and I won't feel bad.
Then when I get home I watch Covert Affairs and try to see if White Collar is on again after, sometimes it is, otherwise I have to wait to see it on Video on Demand. It takes a day or so to show up. I've been in tv heaven lately what with Big Brother, Leverage, Burn Notice... So many shows I love. Honestly I have not been watching the Olympics. Every time I try it's just many many commercials and commentary that seems to tick me off and soccer, tennis, water polo, stuff I don't like.
I wonder if I could play water polo in my pool? I'd have to use my noodle for a horse and get a big stick and a beach ball, hmmm. I bet I could get another medal! Ha!
Yesterday the duck hit 100 pounds lost! Isn't that amazing! He has worked so hard and looks so good. I'll get a photo for you when I see him later this week, you'll see. And I hit 59 pounds myself. On the button. 236 sticks of butter gone from my fat a$$!
Have you ever heard of "negative calorie foods"? I was wondering if this was true and it seems it is. At least in the case of celery. I have also heard that lettuce, grapefruit, kelp, cucumbers and even onions and pickles are negative calorie foods.
What about ice cubes and water with ice? Yup, though not foods, they burn calories to process in the body. I've been busy on the Internet, haven't I? Drinking eight glasses of cold water burns 70 calories. That means every ten days 700 calories. Now we're getting somewhere! And that, my friends, is a great reason to drink your water.
Have a lovely Tuesday, I know I will...