Monday, November 11, 2013

*Pressed the wrong thing.  Pretend this was published on Tuesday, ok?*

Holy moley, I slept long again, 10 hours this time!  I have no idea why either.  I feel fine, not sick, not in any pain, just slept!  I go to Dr. Wacks on Friday and I am going to ask him if I am anemic or anything.  Or maybe I was just tired.  Anyway I feel wonderful.

The pool was amazing yesterday.  The (self appointed) president and the governor (of the pool) were there but the (self appointed) mayor (of the pool) was not.  MIA.  We were going to have a board of director's meeting but with no mayor we didn't.  The temperature of the water is 82°and it feels like a warm bath.  I just love it.

Tonight is poker.  Last week I lost a bit but I am still playing with their money so I shall have some fun tonight.  Hope your day is great too!


  1. Playing with their money is more gooder, right?

    big hugs xoxo

  2. You got that right, Barb! Maybe you just need the sleep? Plain and simple. I know my sleep needs hit in cycles. Some times it's 6-8 hours, and other times it's more.

  3. Bee, I always heard if you sleep you must need it. Dr will take care of you on Friday, miss Bee. Hope you win again tonight at Poker. Take care, xoxo,Susie

  4. All that swimming might be making you sleep better? I don't know, but that 82 degree pool sounds wonderful to me. That's about the only thing I miss about summer. Have fun tonight, hope you win some more of their money!

  5. Sometimes you just need to sleep. Go for it. I do the same thing from time to time. It does feel wonderful too.

    Playing with their money rocks.

    Have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs to you and my best to Roche. ♥♥♥

  6. They say the brain is being cleaned out of the junk while we sleep, so you will have a fresh, clean brain soon!

    Big hugs, honey...

  7. WOW I don't think I've slept 10 hours, not even when I was a baby!! Enjoy it Bee, I'd be grateful for 6 hours. x


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