Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween y'all...

Well it's still windy but not nearly as bad.  I had to wear a jacket today when I went out!  That's a first for the year.  And guess what?  I don't have any that fit me.  So I wore a big one and just stayed warm as I walked.  Then when I got home I found a nice 3/4 black leather coat on sale online so, well, I ordered it.  Of course you know I did.

Today is MahJong and our lunch, we just all bring something to share.  I have drinks and egg salad and Special K crackers this week.  I make good egg salad, lower calorie than most and I put olives in it.  Sarge liked it that way.  I always think of him when I see any egg, he loved ALL eggs, any style, any way, and as many as he could have.  Gosh I miss him so much.

The apartment is going forward, Daniel called me yesterday with updates, they are doing more fabric shopping and are still waiting for the moulding and painting quote to come in.  I don't know why that is taking so long.  It's a nice job, wouldn't you think they'd get right on it?  I mean what do they have to do, they measured, we chose the moulding from the sample case (which she originally left in the car ??? and had to go get) so don't you just multiply it out?  Seems to me but what do I know.

So have yourselves a totally lovely Wednesday.  Me too!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday in paradise

This is the crown moulding they are using.  It's two different pieces and they will be separated about an inch and that inch will be painted pink and the walls will be a soft green.  Some of you have mentioned that the colors look like a bedroom or that I will quickly get tired of them.  No, I don't think I will and the whole apartment is going to be pink, green, and white.  I told you I wanted it "girled up" like Jean(ie) suggested.  If I do get tired of it I can repaint and get a new couch and bedding.  Not a big deal.  The chairs I want to buy are white leather recliners, small size.

So I had another day off yesterday (smile) that was sunny and bright and I could get in the pool again.  Rats.  Even when they turn on the pool heater it will take several days to warm up and it's going to get really chilly for a few more nights.

But..... I had a lovely day and enjoyed the sunshine and all this glorious earth has to offer.  Today I'll be playing canasta.  And no poker tonight as we played last night.  It was Penny's (the dealer) birthday and she had plans for tonight.  So one of the guys brought a cake and I had a piece.  Tits!

Have a terrific Tuesday y'all.  Me too...

Monday, October 29, 2012

Sometimes you just have to speak up! (y'all)

Jane (Daniel's assistant) came in with this look for the living room.  I stewed for a day or two and then took an entire day to compose an email to them saying I just didn't like it (in kinder words).  I think we're getting back on track now.  I don't know why I was so worried about hurting their feelings but you know how artistic people are so sensitive.  Anyway I think we are fine and going forward, I outlined exactly what I wanted and what I had that I could live with and what I wanted to spend and we'll see what happens next.

The Walmart was particularly dreadful yesterday.  First of all the duck was not feeling well so I went by myself and every nutjob out there must have had the same idea I had - to go at that moment.  Anyway I finally got it done and I was shaky hungry so I got a 6" subway (turkey, no mayo, no cheese).  It was really good, I haven't had a sub in months and months.

Then it was time to go swim.  As I went down there wrinkly radio guy was coming out and said not to bother, the water was 63 degrees!  Yikes!  No way for me!  I'll talk to the building manager today about turning on the heater.  The air was warm enough so I was really disappointed.

So I came upstairs and cooked up a storm.  I made pumpkin muffins with spice cake (90 calories each), fat free turkey chili, and turkey stuffed peppers.  I froze several meals and have several in the fridge.  I also now have 22 muffins in the freezer!  I made the muffins slightly different this time.  One spice cake mix, one can of pumpkin, one egg, and one cup of water.  The texture is really nice.  Then I added up all the calories for all the ingredients and divided by 24, the amount it made.  Tits! Another good thing about the muffins is there is great fiber in pumpkin, very good for you.  Make some!

Today I don't have any appointments but there is poker tonight instead of tomorrow night.  That's good, it will give me something nice to do on my day off!  Oh, wait.  Never mind.

Have a lovely Monday y'all.  I will too.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sunday in paradise...

We have an amendment on out ballot in Palm Beach County to have slot machines this time.  Again.  It didn't pass the last time but I think it will this time.  And if it does for now they would only be allowed at the dog track where Sarge used to play poker.  That's the first step though, we all know it.  I already voted (absentee) and I did vote yes but I am now having second thoughts.  There are full casinos an hour from here and cruise ships that far away as well.  I think the same people will go there and drop their money that buy lottery tickets.  And probably not be able to afford it either.  I worry about them.

When the lottery first came to Florida they got it passed by saying the profits would go to education.  They do, but they didn't mention they'd take away existing funds at the same time.  I no longer trust any politician.  That's a sad state of affairs I know but it's true.

So today will find me wandering the lovely aisles of the Walmart amongst the other shoppers, dregs of life, and squalling kids.  Luckily I don't need much so it won't take long.

If it warms up in the afternoon I'll go to the pool but it's pretty danged chilly right now.  I guess that cool air came in behind that storm.  I hope y'all are safe from it.

Have a lovely Sunday.  I will too...

Saturday, October 27, 2012

sandy schmandy...

Well this is NOT what it looks like here today but it's what I am imagining it is like instead.  The Fern House Golf Tournament had to be cancelled.  That is really too bad.  All the time and work the duck and others put into that and it's lost.  I'll still make my donation though.  So instead of helping them with the tournament I will fill in on a canasta game instead.  There is no moss growing under my feet.

I got a bit stir crazy yesterday with the shutters closed all day.  I did walk around the building and downstairs you can see outside. I didn't go outside though but lots of people did.  

If you are in the storm's path stay in and don't be foolish.  Lots of people around here go to the beach but it's very dangerous.  I don't go.

Have a lovely Saturday whatever you do.  I know I will...

**7:00 am update, it's just about gone from here.  The sun will shine today after all.  It's wet, mighty wet, but that's okay.  

Friday, October 26, 2012

Storm shutters closed and I'm in for the duration, which I hope won't be too long.  I have everything I need and I am comfortable, all electronics charged and ready to go if the power goes out.  It's blowing and howling and raining sideways.  Something on the roof is banging.  But I understand we are not getting the worst of it.  Hope those that do stay safe.  Late season storms can be very bad as we all know.

And of course, once again, no pool for me.  I'll walk in the building for exercise, that's about my only choice unless I dance around the apartment.  It's too rainy to even walk to the club and use their gym.  Which if you have been keeping track I have not done anyway.  But might.  Someday.

Wooooshwooooooshhhhhhhhh.  That's what the wind sounds like.  Hour after hour.  Oh make it stop.  Somebody.  I have the tv on pretty loud but it doesn't cover up the sound.  This is the only time I don't like living so high up, the wind is much stronger.  Time to go someplace for a walk and maybe I won't hear it so much.

Hope your Friday is totally tits and if you are in this storm's path, be safe...

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday stuff and other stuff...

We have wind.  Lots and lots of wind.  Rain too.  Some tropical thing out there.  Buggers.  The pool is closed and it was closed yesterday too.

Do you remember a while back I told you one of my MahJong gals told me to watch out, that the barbs would be coming.  I had one at the poker table Tuesday night.  One gal, about the size I used to be, sweetly said to me "gee you are flat chested now".  And I sweetly said to her "yes and your ass is huge" in my head.  Out loud I said "gosh do you think so?".  

So now let's look at a sunny day photo and not think about wind and rain.  And flat chests.  Let's think about something lovely like a warm breeze.  And cake.  And a kitten.  Yeah, all of that.  On a cruise ship.  That would be about perfect now wouldn't it?

Today I'll be having lunch at the club and then canasta afterward.  My day shall be lovely.  I hope yours is as well...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Wednesday in paradise...

MahJong today!  Yesterday was a break even again, I won $1.80 at canasta and lost $8.00 at poker.  At one point I was down ninety so I feel like it was almost a win!  Today I am making my low calorie tuna salad for the MahJong luncheon.  We really have some good snacks and usually pretty healthy too because we all watch our eating.

Oh and Steve and Jane come today too.  And today I also find out when Daniel will have something for me to see on the decorating.  He called and said Wednesday would be when he'd know.  They have been re-doing the Colony Hotel in Palm Beach and it's a big job.  I told him no hurry on mine but I am anxious to see his drawings.

And that, my friends, is all I know today.  Hope your Wednesday is totally tits.  I know mine will be!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Great doc news...

I am now on NO, repeat NO, blood pressure medicine.  At all.  Wow.  That's really something.  I am also finished taking the Aromasin so down two more pills!  I have to go back in one month just to see if the blood pressure is okay but in his office it was pretty low.  115/50.  And if you remember I was only on a very low dose pill anyhow.  If you aren't on the Bee Bandwagon and should be, come join me!  It feels wonderful!

Oh, and nobody tell Sarge, he says he's voting for Obama.  Sarge would roll over if he knew!  And he also told me when I was ready for a plastic surgeon he'd send me to one.  Um, don't think so.  Not yet anyhow.  We'll see in the future.  He was just full of good news, that one!

Next up the dentist.  Just the usual 3 month cleaning.  I get that high pressure water kind, not the scraping kind.  Quick and easy, no pain.  I was d for done!

Here's a deal for you Apple people, get a $50 iTunes card for $40 with free shipping.  I did this last year and had no problem with it.  Gave it to the duck for his iPad.  And no, this is not a paid post, just a good deal I found.  **Update, it's now expired, sorry.

Today is busy, canasta and poker both.  Hopefully I'll be the one winning!  Have a great Tuesday y'all...

Monday, October 22, 2012

Today is Dr. you-know-who!

Yup!  Dr. Wacks.  The one who told me to lose weight!  What shall I tell him today?

Yesterday the pool was amazing.  I stayed for an hour jogging and moving around and exercising.  I think they have the heater on, not sure but it was warm and it sure felt good.

So tonight is the final debate.  I was thinking about something.  If what I hear is true (and I don't know if it is) about Benghazi and the attack there, well I think that is much worse than Watergate.  No one died in Watergate.  But a president left office over it.  Now here is where I am going with this (and I don't mean to get political, just to point out a fact) if all this is true you know the Republicans will call for impeachment if Obama is reelected.  If that happens we could have Biden as president. Biden.  Come on people.  Does this not scare the royal krap out of you?  Because it's a very real possibility.  Your comments are welcome on this and if I am in error, please let me know. I do not mean to upset anyone, just discuss.

In the afternoon today remember I have to go to the dentist.  I go to both every three months, Dr. Wacks and the dentist so I guess that's how I got them both on the same day.

Here is the duck yesterday.  Sorry about the funny sign above his head.  I didn't notice it when I took the photo.  He looks good, really good I think.  He's so good to me, I cannot tell you.  I am very thankful.

And that's it from here y'all.  Hope your Monday is fab.  And mine too!

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday stuff to say...

Was it a beautiful day or what?  I mean how much nicer can it get?  On the advice of Ayla and Lisa I downloaded the Outlander first book.  Sounds like something I would never have tried but I'll take their word for it and let you know when I get into it.  I have kept the other suggestions for future reads and thank you very much everyone!

When I got home from cards yesterday the sun was still out but as I walked by the pool to go upstairs and change clothes I noticed the pool was very crowded so I got my jammies instead.  I had already walked so that's okay.  I was tired and hungry anyway.  I don't enjoy getting in the pool with a bunch of other people, I already told you I am a pool hog.  Back and forth, back and forth...

Today I will be in the Walmart fighting the aisles with the other weirdos and dirtbags shoppers.  Wish me luck! Ha.

And here's hoping your Sunday is all you want it to be and more...

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Saturday stuff in paradise...

Yesterday the pool was just about perfect.  Had it not been for wrinkly old man with his radio it would have been the best ever.  I seriously could have stayed all day but enough sun is enough so I came back upstairs to get ready to go get my hair done.

Today I am subbing in the winter Saturday game.  They are lovely gals and I like them very much.  They  have invited me to play every week but so far I don't really want another weekly commitment, I like being called to fill in when needed.

I haven't lost any more weight in the past two weeks.  Seeing that same number day after day is hard but I am keeping on for sure.  I took a big bag of clothes to the Goodwill yesterday.  Some almost new stuff in there but I want things that are too big for me OUT of the house.  

I can't seem to light on a book I want to read right now.  I have started three and closed all of them.  I have visited the Kindle store for ideas, bestsellers, whatever.  No luck with anything interesting to me.  Someone recommended Canada.  I might try that.  Lately I have enjoyed two books, Gone Girl and Defending Jacob.  Any suggestions?

Hope your Saturday is totally tits.  I know mine will be!

Friday, October 19, 2012

Friday is "hair" day!

I took this photo in the mirror so you could see I am still losing weight.  Actually I think that top is making me look bigger in the middle than I actually am!  Anyway I feel wonderful and if I stay just like I am now I'll be happy but according to everything I hear and read (and am told by Dr. Wacks) I need to go down 30 more pounds.  Okay, okay.  Btw, I go see him again on Monday so I'll tell you what he says then.  And then I go to the dentist.  Who the heck made both of those appointments in one day?  Some nutty person, that's who.  But that's three whole days away so I won't fret about it now.

Today I plan on swimming in the morning and getting my hair done this afternoon.  I never did get in the pool yesterday, by the time I got home from Canasta the siren was going off on the golf course meaning lightening so I just came upstairs and ate dinner.  And watched tv and played on the computer and read.  I finished Defending Jacob and I did like it.  Now I am looking around for a new book.  

I saw one of the twin's husbands yesterday so I guess it's time for them again although I have not seen either of them so far.  Snow birds are flying south.

Have a lovely Friday y'all.  I will too...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Thursday in paradise...

Yesterday was a lovely MahJong game and I just love those gals.  I made some of my really low cal tuna salad and they liked it so much they want me to make it again next week.  We all bring snacks and make a pot luck luncheon every week.  We had fresh fruit salad, steamed shrimp, veggies and hummus, really good stuff.  And a great game.

Today is lunch at the club and canasta afterward.  It's a good game with good gals.  A fun day.  I am so lucky to have so many great gals in my life.  None are like a bff but on the other hand they would be there if I needed them as I would for them.  Most are widows, a few aren't.  

Oh, my turkey meatloaf was really good.  I made it simple and low cal, only used some bread crumbs, one egg, one pound of 99/1 ground turkey, some tomato sauce, salt and pepper.  It made six servings at 135 calories each.  I have some for tonight and froze some too.  Thanks for the good ideas yesterday for cooking too.  I loved that.

Tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut.  Gosh it's long all of the sudden.  And hopefully it won't rain so I can swim.  Yesterday it rained and rained.  And then it rained.

Have a lovely Thursday y'all.  I will too...

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Wednesday is MahJong!

Boy my hair has gotten long fast!  I'm getting it cut on Friday.  Hopefully.  Yesterday I won eight dollars at canasta and lost forty-three at poker so I'm even.  I like it when I'm even.

Today I get to see my MahJong gals.  I sure will be glad when this election is over no matter who wins.  They are so far to the left of me sometimes it's hard to stay such good friends.  But I will.  Somehow.  

Then I hope to get back in the pool after the game today.  I do like to go later in the day when the water is warmer.  And I will have my camera.  Just in case.  You know.

I am trying to think of things to make for dinner that are delicious, low cal, low fat, and I am not tired of making.  Maybe on Friday I'll go to the store and just walk around and try to get new ideas.  I don't like to have much more than 350 calories for a dinner and I like a lot of food on my plate, not a tiny bit.  What I usually do is bulk it up with steamed veggies but I still need some new ideas.  Any you might have are appreciated.  I bought the 99/1 ground turkey, maybe I'll make a meatloaf with it.  That would be good for several meals too.  Good idea I just had there!

You know that nekkid woman at the pool reminded me of Sarge.  He retired a few years before I did and one day he called me at work and told me there was a topless woman on the balcony across from ours.  I asked him if it was that blonde woman and he said he didn't know, he didn't look at her head.  Gosh how I miss that man!

Have yourselves a lovely Wednesday.  I will too!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My oh my...

There just never seems to be a dull moment in my life.  Take this for example.  I went down to the pool after my errands and there was a new woman there in the water.  I sat in the shade and read while I waited for her to get done because, well, I'm a pool hog.  Anyway in about ten minutes she got out so I think, oboy, here I go.  I am causally jogging back and forth across the pool, one way I can see her, the return trip I can't.  I turn around and her (whole) a$$ end is out!  I mean all of it.  And all I can think of is rats, my camera is way over there on the table.

I make another loop and when I turn around again her whole titties are out.  She is completely nekkid there.  Now before you get too excited I'd guess she's about mid 70's or so and pretty plump so it's not exactly eye candy for anyone.  

She slowly dried off, applies sunscreen, and puts on a dry bathing suit.  String bikini no less.  Then she lays in the sun and closes her eyes like she's alone in the world.

Well I'm here to tell you the next time I see her getting out of the pool I am not going to get right in.  No sirree-bob.  I'm getting some photos first.  I have no idea who she is, I have never seen her before.  But I've sure seen all of her! Ha.  It was like a train wreck, I just couldn't stop looking.

They I came upstairs and cleaned out some more of my closet, 2 drawers and one section of tops.  I have a huge bag ready to go to the goodwill.  Baby steps, I know.

In one of the drawers I found some letters Sarge had written to me from Viet Nam.  That's the problem with email.  The letters are so much more permanent but the emails are so fast.  Sometimes it took several weeks for a letter to get to me.  There was no such thing as calling, no one could afford that, I think it was $45 a minute if you could even get a call through so we didn't.  Times change, they sure do.  But I wouldn't take anything for those letters.  They will always be mine.

So that's about it from my world today y'all.  Hope your Tuesday is fabulous.  Mine sure will be.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday in my world...

Well we never did get to the Walmart yesterday.  We just made a quick stop in Publix instead.  Neither of us needed much and we went to Panera Bread to eat so we were right there next to Publix.

Guess what I'm cooking today.  A crockpot of navy bean soup, vegetarian style.  Don't ask my why but I am.  I'll freeze some of it for sure or give it away but I just felt like making it.  Sarge would love it but I'd have to make him cornbread.  Not me, I can eat cornbread but don't care one way or the other so I don't need to waste the calories on it.

Today I have errands to do so I'll be out a good bit.  Maybe that's why I thought about a crockpot dinner.  I know, it's 86 and I'm making soup.

Have yourself a lovely Monday and brand new week.  I will too...

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Sunday funday...

Well buggers it was even windier yesterday.  Nice and sunny but the wind howled all day long.  It's coming from some storm in the Atlantic I hear but it is on my last nerve.  I want to swim and it's like an ocean in there. 

So Daniel came by yesterday with Jane to go over some more things and now they will price it out and give me drawings.  Some things I told them were my three concerns.  1. budget, 2. comfort, and 3. pretty.  The colors I told them I liked were a celedon green and pink and white.  I think I will probably give up on the purple bedroom because the apartment is only 1400 sq. feet and I don't want to get "too much" going on in here.  I want it restful and pretty.  That might be a jarring change to go from one room to the other.

Daniel did this room.  The reason I am showing it to you is the moulding with the pink is what I want and the green on the walls.  Not the furniture or tables, just the walls.  

Also I am not planning on doing anything in the kitchen at all.  The whole thing was redone 12 years ago and there is a new washer/dryer, fridge, and dishwasher.  The stovetop and oven are like new too.  They are all white and the cabinets are oak.  It's not beautiful but it's okay and it functions well.  I thought about opening it up with a granite bar between the kitchen and dining room but I know they are running twenty grand to make those changes and nope, not gonna' happen here.  Plus I'd lose cabinets.  They are beautiful but still no.

Today I go to the Walmart with the duck.  He's having some issues with what John Heald calls "carpool tunnel" syndrome.  Dr. Wacks has him is an arm thingy to hold it still.

Hope this wind stops so I can swim too.  Have a lovely Sunday.  I will, whatever I do!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Windy day yesterday...

I don't know if you can see it or not but it was so windy yesterday I couldn't swim.  At all.   In fact I could barely walk outside!  Buggers to that.  Anyway I found other things to keep me busy.  I did go to the fruit stand and got some yummy veggies.  The duck was busy and couldn't go with me so I went by myself.

Interesting I don't even get tired now walking in the store.  Well unless it's a big one that is.  Just a few months ago I couldn't do that.  And now I can.  That is thrilling.  When I got my purchases in the car I was walking the cart back to the store and realized what I was doing.  I used to have to leave the cart in the parking lot because I couldn't walk any more.  All of a sudden it hit me, I am almost back to normal!  *thud*

Have any of you tried coconut water?  The one with no calories?  I got some that was pineapple coconut, zero calories.  The first sip is very good but the jury is still out on if I am going to like it or not.  I think it would, however, be a good addition to some powdered sugar to make a drizzle for a cake instead of regular frosting.

Well I hope it won't be too windy today but if it is I'll get busy on something else.  Have a great Saturday y'all.  I will too...

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday is (still) my day off!

So there is why the pool was closed yesterday, they were painting the cement part above the tiles.  It's supposed to be windy but nice today so I'll be in it for sure.   It's getting cooler at night now (mid 70's) and that means the water is cooler.  I don't know when they'll turn on the heater but I'm sure not yet.  I hope the water doesn't cool off too much.  

The political calls are coming fast and furious now.  Last evening I actually had one (among many) that when I said "hello" he said "do you know what I am sick of?"  Any guess what my answer might have been?  Aside from ending his sentence with a preposition he ticked me off with the attitude.  I know what I'm sick of for sure.  Calls like his.  Enough, get this danged election over and may the best candidate win.  I already did my voting by absentee.  I don't like to go get in line.

On an "up" note (a very up note!) as the snow birds come back and see me they are all telling me how great I look.  Now I know I don't look great but I do look thinner.  A lot thinner actually.  Remember they left last March.  Anyway it's nice to have the reinforcement and it sure helps me continue.  My walking now has much better posture too.  I love that.  I was a bit stooped before but not now.

I might be able to have lunch with the duck today also.  Possibly and hopefully.  Anyway whatever my Friday brings me it will be lovely.  I declare it so.... and for you too!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday in my house...

I painted this some years back but still love it.  I wish it was larger but it's not.  Most of my art was left in the Podunk house when we sold it because they bought it furnished.  Anyway the reason for showing you this is that I want to somehow feature it somewhere.  That's one of Daniel's jobs.  (Daniel is the decorator.)

What I told him that I wanted was to (in Jean's words) "girl it up some".  I loved that idea.  Anyway what we are discussing doing is crown moulding all around and recovering the sofas, some new lamps, a fabric king sized headboard for the twin beds, some draperies, changing the counter tops,  painting everything, stuff like that.  The next meeting is Saturday at 1:00 with his assistant,  That's all I know for now.  He works for Carleton Varney.   Daniel's portfolio is fabulous.  I mean really fabulous.  

Mahjong went really good yesterday, I won two hands and lost a little for the day but the gals and I had such a good time.  Today is canasta.  And the pool is closed.  They are painting something out there, I'm not sure what but I won't be able to swim after cards.  I'll have to walk more.  It should be reopened by Friday though.

So that wrapped up my day.  Hope yours was as good...

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Wednesday is Mahjong - and the decorator is coming too!

I am posting these for last minute ideas.
He is coming this evening at 6:00.

Looking into the den.
There is another bath and
walk in closet int there too.

There you can see into where the bath/closet is.  Y'all.

Now I know the bedroom is dreadful.
I got the twin tempu-pedic beds
that go up and down when Sarge was so sick.

That little desk next to the chair was mine when
I was a child.  I did my homework on it.
The other one can go (and should).

So any last minute thoughts would be appreciated.  The beige tile is everywhere, even on the two terraces.  It's neutral and in good shape so it will probably stay.  Am I sorry I got that instead of wood floors?  No, I don't think so.  I love the look of wood but the tile is so easy and cool to walk on and I like it.

So last night I lost eight dollars at poker, not too bad for a whole evening.  Oh, and I won twenty-five cents at canasta so I'm even, right?  Yeah, that's what I thought.

Oh, the cupcakes were a smash hit.  Everyone loved them and it was the dealer's birthday so I told them they were for that and they all got gobbled up and enjoyed.  I ate the smallest one.  I have to say it was pretty danged good.

So it's Mahjong for me this morning and you know I love that.  We are playing at the club this week because we're having lunch first and the gal that had the knee replaced won't have to walk back to our condo card room if we just stay there.

Have yourselves a totally lovely Wednesday,  I will too!