I have told you many times how Sarge only had two tools. A plastic butter knife and a chain saw. Well yesterday I had the need to get out the tv remote (rather than the cable box one) and found the repairman had a third tool in his repertoire. Band-aids! Who knew? Bless his heart, he'd fix things one way or the other.
Did I ever tell you how he fixed a running toilet with a fishing bobber? Um hmm. I laughed so hard when I found this clicker I had tears in my eyes. It was just perfectly "Sarge". Honey if you can see this I know you are fixing things in Heaven as we speak.
So today is small business Saturday. I think that's a great idea and I will be doing some of it. Oh, and the grandkids, well, yes they are getting a check. I'm not at all thrilled with it but that's what they want. I was going to go with an American Express gift card but no, they'd rather have the cash. Okay, I give up. They want it, they get it.
Oh, speaking of checks wait until you hear this one! I am running rather low on actual paper checks so I tried to order some online through my bank. For some reason it wouldn't let me. I called the bank and they told me I could not order checks, that my account has a "death hold" on it. What? Sarge died last January and I went in and took the death certificate and had the account put in my name only.
It's my name, my address, my SS#, my phone number and no, I cannot order checks. I was told I'd have to go into the bank to see if they could take the hold off it. I have had this account since 1981, 31 years last month! It keeps getting swallowed up by bigger and bigger banks. I thought about taking my money elsewhere but in the end I'm too stubborn I guess.
So what did I do you ask? Well I let my fingers do the walking and bought checks through WalMart online. A bit over five bucks for a 5 or so year supply, depending on how often those grandchildren get into them! Ha. There's more than one way to skin a cat. Ew, why did that come to mind? And where did that saying originate?
Anyway I'm off to do some spending today, mostly hair, nails, stuff like that. Oh, and the fruit stand too!