In case anyone knows the area those condos over there are on Singer Island. Yes, the sewing machine Singers. Very pretty. Oh, and the house at the bottom in the middle? That's Dr. Wacks.
Today will find me at the Walmart shopping for the week. I really don't need too much, I have all the fish and chicken for the week, just need veggies and some little stuff. Then I can get in the pool. I didn't get in yesterday, when I got home from canasta I was really tired so I cooked some dinner and sat down at the computer for a bit and watched a bit of tv. But I did walk at least. Exciting day! Ha ha.
You will never believe this! I am planning on voting for a Democrat in November. Yup, I am planning on voting for Bell Nelson for Senate. It will be the first Democrat I have voted for since Carter. Unless he ticks me off that is. Which is highly possible but still. I wonder what Sarge would say? I doubt he'd be happy about it but then we did differ on several matters.
I'm starting to get a bit tired of my red wall. I saw a room recently that I loved and it was all in browns, tans, and whites. I don't know if I'd like to live with that many neutrals but red does get old. Any ideas of colors? I should go to a paint store and just look I think. See what tickles my fancy. And I still want to paint the bedroom purple. I haven't forgotten that yet.
I guess that's about all I know today y'all. Hope your Sunday is lovely. I know mine will be.