Autumn is showing up on blogs all across the blogesphere so I thought I'd post this shot that I took a few years ago in Podunk. I have lots of them but this one is early fall. The only thing changing colors in my world are my fingernails and toenails (aqua this week, pink last week) and the snow birds license plates as they head into paradise.
I don't really know why they come this early because autumn really is lovely where they live, I'd wait until the leaves fell and then come south if it were me. (Right Sandy?) Anyway they are starting to arrive and it's a great big hello at the club for each returning gal. Some I am very glad to see, others, well not so much.
So yesterday I had no card game so I was able to get my hair done. It was decided that getting my hair done was not "shopping", it was "maintenance". So if you are keeping score I have only slipped up once so far. And again, since my purchase won't arrive until October, well, I think I might still be good!
My weight is starting to drop again. I still might make my goal of 70 pounds by October 1st. It's two weeks away so maybe, just maybe. If not, well I gave it one heck of a shot. I feel marvelous! I have energy! I love life! The ups and downs of it just make it more interesting.
Speaking of that, a great big "thank you God!" for someone near and dear to me who rolled his car off an embankment when a deer ran out in front of him and he walked away from it. You never know when the unexpected will happen, be ready.
It was rainy and nasty all day yesterday so I didn't get to swim at all. I always feel better when I do. Maybe today the clouds will go somewhere else! Have a great Sunday. Me too...

Gee, Bee....I see on the sidebar that you have lost 66 pounds. Did you know that a six year old should be 44 inches tall and weigh 44 pounds? Using growth and development as a guideline... you have lost 1 1/2 first graders! Way to go!
ReplyDeleteI hate it when I get behind with your posts, yet I always enjoy reading them all at once! What a couple of weeks you've had!
ReplyDeleteI'm glad your friend escaped unharmed. That looks horrible...
Fall hasn't arrived here. It was 104, but it was 108 in Orange County where my brother lives! They aren't used to that kind of heat and it's horrid. My daughter and her family spent a very miserable day at Disneyland in Anaheim, where it was 105. Ugh.
Here's hoping you make your goal in numbers. But, your overall health and endurance is so much better you still need to give yourself huge pats on the back! Just knowing how far you've come and how difficult it is, is such a reward!
Love to you,
Bugger that deer encounter, but as I always say, any accident you can walk away from is the best kind. Thank you, God!
ReplyDeleteFall... oh how I miss Autumn in New England. If I ever snow bird, I want to snow bird during the fall, anywhere in New England.
I've only lost .40 first graders. I'd better buckle down to business. hahahaha!
Have a lovely day, hopefully in the pool! Say hello to the duck!
big hugs xoxo
Bee, Is it time for those twins who take things??Bolt it down or make some signs saying, only take what you can eat or drink in the clubroom. Sorry you had nasty weather, for a change we had one beautiful day. The field on the corner had soy beans and the farmer combined them yesterday. That makes me think "goodbye summer" I will miss the summer time but not the heat we have had this year. Enjoy today, xo, Susie
ReplyDeleteYou'll make your goal. See I've been doing good all week and today I weigh the same as yesterday. It's what happens the first couple of weeks. I'll keep marching on.
ReplyDeleteI know how you love fall. You love it better than anything. Enjoy all the fall in all the blogs.
Are the two thieves due back? Well, of course they are.
God was indeed looking out for someone very dear to you. A guardian angel too.
Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs. :)
Hair is definitely maintenance and does not count at all.
ReplyDeleteYou are inspiring, EB. I am going to really try to get into this healthy eating thing today.
I guess one of the bad parts of living here in paradise is the lack of a real fall. I guess we get even in January when everyone else is digging out of snow and we are wearing lightweight cardigans!
ReplyDeleteHave a great day Miss Bee
Thank you God for that guardian angel! Yes, hair falls under maintenance. Absolutely. No problem.
ReplyDeleteYes, fall in Podunk is positively beautiful and not to be missed. Wish you could visit us! See you in late January in WPB.
Big hugs, honey...
Phew your dear one sure was lucky to walk away from that!
ReplyDeleteI have always loved Fall and really didn't know why. Till I moved back to Tucson.
ReplyDeleteSpring is soft green and beautiful, Winter, sparkling cold with rain or snow and Summer is hot, especially hot where I live, and then it dawned on me that is it !
When I was growing up in Tucson, coolers no air conditioners, after the hot hot hot burning hot summers, when Fall came it was a beautiful treat ! The hint of coolness in the air, bright sparkling mornings pure delight. That is why I love fall !
Love your photo. How lucky you where to live with the beauty of the turning leaves of fall.
cheers, parsnip
Bee, I truly believe that it was Charlie who was with your grandson. There have been times that I think my dad helped me. He always said he would be close with us and I believe it.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it that you started your weight loss time it was October 1st, my birthday and you are hoping to reach the 70 mark on October 1st. Isn't it amazing.
We had to go to Windsor this morning to get a new fridge. Our old one died this morning. We had it for 21 years but when Mary Lou went downstairs this morning, there was water all over the kitchen floor.That's life my friend.
I can't wait until you achieve that 70 mark. Maybe we should have party? See you my lovely friend. See you.
I'm so glad that person walked away. And hopefully nightmare-free. Big hugs.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if the twin will be back. I know the other one was thrown out. You need to find a new snowbird to talk about...LOL
We're in for a cooler weather this week. I'm excited! Autumn is my favorite season!
I have a sneaky feeling that you will make it to number 70 ;) You just don't give up. I'm sooo proud of you!
ReplyDeleteI conqer! Why leave now when it's still beautiful up here?
Hugs from Ohio,
Things that don't arrive for weeks don't count as "shopping" until you actually GET them. Or it. As of now, all you have done is made a reservation. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Hair certainly would be considered maintenance, too
ReplyDeleteCongrats on hanging in with the weight loss. You are an inspiration.
I'm home from a fun weekend, catching my breath before Monday morning rolls around.
Oh, and Sandy showed me that car picture yesterday. Yikes! So glad his Guardian Angel was watching and he was not hurt.
ReplyDeleteHoly smokes! That car wreck looks terrible! I'm so glad your loved one lived to tell.
ReplyDeleteI learned that lesson the hard way when I was 16 and swerved for a cat. Ran my car up onto the sidewalk and could have killed someone. My dad always taught me never to swerve for animals, it's not worth me getting hurt. Every now and then I feel bad for running over that cat/opposum/raccoon but always thankful I didn't end up wrapped around a light pole. I think your loved one had some guardian angels with him that day!