Sunday, August 26, 2018

Yesterday we had "Yappy Hour"
in the bar... Of course Roche' 
decided to go!

There were treats and prizes and about 25 dogs and one cute rock!  Roche' ordered a Rolling Rock beer and requested rock and roll music.  After his beer he got a little "boulder"!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Sorry for the grainy photos.  
I took photos from the newsletter.

We had SUCH a great time!  It started with a cocktail hour with passed Hors d'oeuvres followed by a lovely delicious dinner of beef tenderloin and then it was off to the casino.  It was play money of course but there were prizes for the winners at the end of the night and drawings for prizes every half hour.  I had a wonderful evening.  

There is always something fun to do here.  I wish everyone could have as much fun as I'm having!

Thursday, August 16, 2018

So last night's movie was LBJ.  I had never seen it and I did like the movie but I couldn't help thinking about how much Sarge disliked that man.  Not for his civil rights bill but over Viet Nam.  He always said we could have easily won that war (war - not police action as they like to call it) and how so many died for nothing and we ran with our tails between our legs and left the South Vietnamese to fend for themselves, horrible outcome.  When we went there he truly believed it was the right thing to do.  Right or wrong that's what he thought.  It was a tossup which he disliked more, LBJ or Jane (Hanoi) Fonda.  Then he died from Agent Orange.  So tragic.  73 years old.  He should have had many more good years.  He worked hard all his life for that retirement and was cheated out of it.  

Anyway I did enjoy the movie and got to see Ryan too.  Now I'm off to see Dr. Wacks for the second part of my physical.  I have lost weight.  I can't wait to see how much!

Have a great day y'all.  I will too for sure...

Monday, August 13, 2018

Just a bit of the wildlife I saw having my coffee on the screened porch.  Plenty to look at here!  The iguana will get lots bigger  They sort of scare me but I don't get close.  There was a fourth bird, a brown one that looked just like the white ones but I didn't get a good shot of her.  They were pecking at the ground, getting bugs I suppose.  Very busy anyway!

Today I am about to go play Rummy Kue or however you spell that.  We have between six and eight that play and it's lots of laughs. 

Have a great Monday!  I shall too!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Well it's Sunday and not too much goes on, I'm having dinner with the duck but other than that just chores around the apartment (which I needed to do anyway).  I sat outside early this morning and listened to the birds busy themselves starting their day.  Funny little creatures.  There aren't many crows and they are my favorite, so smart.  Ugly but really smart.  If you are nice to them they remember you and aren't afraid the next time.  I used to be afraid of all birds but I'm not so much any more.

Hope your Sunday is totally tits.  Mine is quiet but lovely!

Thursday, August 9, 2018

So last night's movie was "An Inspector Calls".  I watched the whole thing but didn't get it.  I even googled it when I got home.  It is supposedly a classic but I don't think it makes sense.  If you've seen it and know please let me know.

If you are on Facebook I'm Bonnie Closser Cordle.  

Tonight is trivia instead of Bingo because the Big Bingo they have monthly is Saturday.  Saturday is going to be a busy one.  Bridge after dinner and bingo before.  I swear I never thought I'd play bridge again but I am enjoying it.  Sarge would be shocked! lol

Oh I almost forgot!  I played Maj yesterday with my gals from Palm Beach.  I didn't win but I loved seeing them and playing.  We have a game next Wednesday too.

That's it from my world.  Hope you have a great day.  I know I will!

Monday, August 6, 2018

So this afternoon I have a dermatology appointment.  Since I'm in the sun a lot I go twice a year.  Then tonight I am calling bingo.  I was requested!  Lol.  Whatever that means but I don't mind.  I'd rather play but I don't mind calling.

I also have a mahjong game this week, on Wednesday.  We haven't played for a while because some players were out of town.  I'm looking forward to that.

Tomorrow night the (Self appointed) mayor (of the pool where I used to live) and his lovely bride are coming here for dinner.  I'll be really glad to see them.  They came once before and liked it. Hey, what's not to like, right?

So that's it from my world...

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Today is a pool day for me.  I love that part of it is shaded by the canopy as the sun is brutal.  

The show last night at the Fern House was great  Several very funny comedians and Peter Lemongello Jr. sand his heart out.  What a talent that young 18 year old has!  If you are on facebook I posted a video but can't get it here on blogger.

Tonight I'm actually cooking for myself!  I don't do that too much anymore.  I still like to cook but it's just so easy to go to the dining room and the food is so good there that I just don't cook too much.

Have a great day Y'all.  I know I will too!

Friday, August 3, 2018

So Friday's activities:  Today my cleaning lady comes.  I have "Current Events" in the early afternoon and then happy hour at 4:30. I am hosting a dinner table in the Waterfront Dining Room at 6:00 and bingo later.  Another busy day.  

Current Events is good because there are two leaders and one is conservative and one is liberal.  Everyone treats everyone else with respect and no fighting.  Aside from politics we discuss any current events anyone wants to talk about.  I really enjoy it.

And I'm still not...

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Some of the cast from the "No Talent Show" which, believe me, had plenty of talent!

Remember Ryan from where I lived before?  The one that used to watch Roche' for me when I went of a cruise?  Well he sang so beautifully!  I don't remember if I told you he works here in the entertainment department.  

It was another fabulous day for sure.. I won at canasta too!

This is the view from my screen porch where I have my coffee in the mornings and watch the birds (and the old people) go by!

Today is another busy one.  Canasta at noon, a show at 4:00 (more later about this) and then dinner finished up by bingo!  So as to the show - it's the staff here and it's called the "No talent show".  Most of them are very talented though and I'm told they do this every year and it's very funny.  I'm looking forward to it.

Sorry to run, it's after 11:00 and I have to dress and get to canasta!  Bye my loves...

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Nothing like a Florida sky and some palm trees to make me smile.  So what's happening in my world?  I'm going to try to blog more.  My "Total Brain Health Workout" class has issued a 30 day challenge.  I have decided to do three things instead of one.  First take a photo of something I love each day, next walk each day increasing the time daily, and finally reading for an hour a day.  This class is a 20 week lecture series and this was week six.  It's one of my favorite classes.

So it's August.  Summer is rushing by at warp speed here.  Today I have a bridge class and a dinner with friends and then a movie in the theatre - "An evening you will forget the rest of your life".  I have no idea what this is but I'm going.  

I am busy every day and I absolutely love it.  This was truly the best thing I could have done for myself.  (It won't leave my children much when I'm gone but they are happy I'm here.)

And I'm really not...

  much anyway!