I am being spoiled beyond belief! I may never go home! Last night at dinner the Maitre d' came by the table chatting and asked everyone what their favorite foods were from the sea day brunch. I said I liked it all but he went further and said well if you were ordering what would you select? I said well if pressed I supose I'd order cheese grits, poached eggs, and coffee. This morning this showed up on a hotel cart for balcony delivery, brought by two handsome uniformed guys.
Now if you are a Carnival cruiser you know the breakfast menu on room service is limited. Very limited in fact. This was perfectly poached eggs, fresh squeezed orange juice, fabulous cheese grits and amazing coffee. I was blown away!
Thirty minutes later I got a call asking how everything was and asked if I'd like it again tomorrow. I thanked them profusely but declined. I really am trying not to eat too much. It's hard though, very hard! They asked if they could pick up the dishes so my room would stay tidy.
Today is a sea day. Translation: everyone is on the Lido deck and in that fabulous pool so I shall stay away. I am meeting someone for lunch (yes, more food) and then perhaps a nap(?) and then formal night tonight. Who am I meeting you ask? The hotel director, he is an amazing man that is the best on the seven seas.
Still not miss-bee-havin' though!
---Posted using BlogPress with the help of Honey...
The End. and big hugs xoxo
I don't see my comment. Been reading for years. I'm glad you are doing great.
So, hi, my name is Lisa and I am frustrated with blogger, wordpress, Disqus and all of those fangled contraptions that like to EAT my comments.
I visit everyday, but rarely have time to comment before I have to to head back to work. And commenting twice is just frustrating as all heck.
But I have been a loyal Bee reader for over 5 years, probably found this lovely lady by following a comment SHE left somewhere.
Thank you, Bee for always being so honest and having a great attitude about everything life throws at you.
has become part of my day. Thanks for your posts I enjoy reading about your "doings"
I too used to have a personal trainer, and enjoyed it a lot. It's tough work, but when you start seeing muscles pop out, you feel wonderful. I was curious how you do your exercise in the pool? Do you just walk around for an hour or do you to some leg lifts and stuff? Have a great day!!
The end and big hugs ♥♥♥
I'm Lynn and I read your blog everyday! I just read through all the comments and they prove that you are the most incredible woman and we all love you!
Tried commenting the other day when you showed us how you pack for a cruise but my antiquated iPad kept crashing. I'm hoping this one gets through. I have really enjoyed reading your blog everyday since I love cruising too. You'll find in the cools mountains of NC and back in S. Fl come the fall. Hope you continue to have a wonderful visit with your daughter. God bless.