Gosh it's hot, I know, I like it hot but I also like air conditioning. And I don't have any. Still. Maybe later today, let's hope. I'll be at the club playing canasta where it is nice and cool for most of the day so it won't be too bad.
So this is the last of July already. I keep hearing back to school stuff now so it won't be much longer before the snow birds are flying back down here. It sure has been lovely and quiet this summer and I hope it lasts a bit longer.
Steve and Jane couldn't even clean my apartment yet because it is so hot. They are planning on coming Friday now and hopefully it will be ready for them by then. There is no way they could do the work in that heat. They clean from the ceiling to the floor including the windows most times and that is some mighty hard work. They steam the floors every time too. I am so lucky to have found them.
Roche' liked having his picture on the blog yesterday. His head is now a bit bigger I think but he's still cute and he's my rock and he keeps me company at night. He is still deciding whether to go on the cruise with the duck and I or stay with his friend again. He sure did have a good time last time but he can choose what he wants to do. (omg, I really think I might have lost what's left of my mind but oh well...)
Have a fantastic Thursday y'all. I will for sure, I always do. I love life. Every day of it.