A sendoff for the Bloggers Cruise which leaves today, this is Dick and Sandy Bell and Debbie and Paul Spillman and me and Patrick Duffy. We had to rush a bit because Patrick had to be at Kravitz for an 8:00 show and I pulled in at 7:58 and he had to change into his costume. Oops. I got every light red even though I drove as fast as I could.
So we got through January and tomorrow starts my least favorite month. It's not too bad here but when I lived where it was cold I would get so depressed every February. It's warm again here and I love that for sure.
I plan on riding my bike today since I got all my chores done already and it's going to be beautiful out. The pool has to warm up again before I get in it though. The heater couldn't keep up with all the cold air it had to deal with I guess.
Have a wonderful Saturday y'all. I sure will too even if I'm not going on the cruise.