Gosh it was another beautiful day. It was supposed to rain but it didn't. And I got invited to dinner (and CAKE!) at the home of the (self appointed) mayor's (of the pool) house for a wonderful dinner cooked by his gracious and sweet wife and the cake was SOOOOOO good. Well the dinner was excellent too but you know me and cake. And the frosting was not too sweet, just like I like. I got to bring home a big piece too so I'll have it several more times. It was his birthday dinner and his grandson's too and his daughter was there. I was so thrilled to be asked! Really nice people.
Today is the day I go get my taxes done. I am bringing them muffins. Last year I tried to tip them but they wouldn't take it and they said next year to bring them some treat so that's what I got them.
The Walmart was a zoo yesterday, we even had to park way down the line it was so crowded but I got everything I needed including the florescent bulb for my kitchen and I even changed it myself! I didn't know I was so handy but I am learning to do more and more. I know changing a bulb isn't a big deal but it's the long kind and I just never did it before. It took me several tries to get it twisted in there just right but dang it, it's working perfectly.
Today is the letter "C". Charlie, Chuck, Cat (D#!), Carnival, cruises (right Jon?), cantaloupe, chilled soups, CAKE!, caramel, coffee, cats, crayons, cream, catsup, chips, diet Coke, chartreuse, chunky jewelry, Clark's shoes, and chocolate.
So that's it from me today y'all. Have a great Monday. Mine will depend on what the tax people tell me I owe! (Kidding, it'll be great!)