Yesterday as we left the housing complex I saw this. It's a helicopter putting air conditioners on the roof of the (under construction) outlet mall. We watched about ten of them being moved onto roofs and when we got back and I got in the pool I could still see it. I have no idea how many of them there are but surely a lot! It's scheduled to open in February. It's a shame it won't be open for Christmas shopping. Lots of nice stores are signing leases now. Neiman Marcus, Nordstrom, Saks, etc. No more schlepping down to Sawgrass Mills for me any more. It's about a mile from my condo!
Well September is over already. Tomorrow I will have lived in Florida for 32 years. I have no idea where it went.
Did you see Homeland last night? The season 3 opener was really good I thought.
Tonight I am playing in the Palm Beach canasta game. They are nice gals but it's lonely driving home at 11:00 at night alone. I don't like being out that late. It's only 11 miles away but still, I don't like to drive by myself after dark.
Hope your Monday is tits! Mine will be for sure.