Well May is over tonight and June is upon us tomorrow. Summer is my favorite time of year with the long lazy days, the pool, the blue skies, not too many people around. This will be my first summer alone. Ever. I'm not quite sure I'll love it as much as before but I'm hoping I will. I might take another cruise too. Why not, right?
The political ads are running nonstop now. I am so sick of them I cannot tell you. In fact I think most people feel that way. They start so early and by the time the election is closer it heats up and the lies just go on and on. I am to the point that I don't believe anything from them. You know, how do you tell if a politician is lying? His lips are moving. Yeah, that. I've gotten pretty good at changing the channel really fast when I see one headed my way.
Today is lunch with my canasta girls and a nice game. They have made some menu changes and there are some really good salads. Chef is really creative and will make adjustments so they are not to fattening for me. Well for anyone but I'm the one that always asks.
And that my friends is all I know today. Hope your Thursday is totally tits. Mine too...