Friday, April 19, 2019

I took this photo on my way home from the clubhouse last night.  The full moon is tonight but it was nearly full and so pretty.

Today I have PT and then current events after that.  I'm not going to the dining room tonight because it's the Passover dinner.  I still like to cook anyway and I have plenty of things on hand to make.  

I'm having some trouble with little ants.  I didn't have any bug spray so I used Windex on them.  Then I had the exterminator come and he surprised me by saying that's a great way to kill them and that he's spray with chemicals outside.  Who knew?

One of my friends is moving away next month and I'll be sorry to see her go.  She is going into another independent living  place like this one but in Orlando near her daughter.  I do have lots of friends here but she was the first one I made when I moved in.

Have a great weekend y'all and Happy Easter!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

So today my Maj game was canceled because one of the gals was not well so I got to stay home.  I decided to do a me day and had a long hot shower, did my hair, nails, etc. and put on a clean nightgown because I don't have to go out until 5:00 tonight.  

Well the next thing I knew a guy came to change my AC filter, ok, no problem.  Then a friend stopped by to return a dish I had given her some green beans and ham in so ok, that's two with me in a nightgown but that had to be the end.  No.  My cleaning lady was back from vacation and stopped by to give me a hug, she missed me.  Sigh, all good but I'm still not dressed.  Then  I got a call that a battery was low in my "'I've fallen and I can't get up" sensor thingy so he came to change it.  It's now 2:30 and I'm still not dressed.  I almost want to just stay in and not get dressed today but I won't.  

The movie in the clubhouse tonight is The Green Book and I want to see it and I have a dinner reservation before that so I'll get my rear end dressed and up and out.

Be well, I shall too!