Tuesday, December 1, 2015

So my date (that I call Alan because that is his name) asked me out again so we are going to dinner Thursday night. I have a feeling he is more interested than I am so I'll have to make some kind of decision soon because I don't want to lead him on if it's not for me. 

Wednesday I have two board meetings so no mahjong for me. 

Have a wonderful time y'all. I will too for sure. 



  1. It's Weds. already? My mind reels when I think about how quickly time seems to be flying by! But at least I can have pasta because it's Prince Spaghetti Day. I'm kinda tired of turkey this and turkey that. I froze the rest of my leftovers for turkey pie... in the not right away future.

    Alan, eh? Mine spells his Allen.

    Po-tay-to, Pa-tah-to.

    Have fun at your meetings. big hugs xoxo

  2. Just found your blog! I am skimming through the old entries....it's going to take a while! I'm on weight watchers and I find your weight loss journey inspiring.

  3. Just found your blog! I am skimming through the old entries....it's going to take a while! I'm on weight watchers and I find your weight loss journey inspiring.

  4. Somebody around here must be using "Let It Rain" wrapping paper! But it is supposed to clear out this afternoon. I know YOU don't want any snow. Enjoy the warmth and pool and board meetings and dates!

  5. I could tell you weren't all that interested yesterday. It's either there or it's not. I could tell it was a not.

    Have a fabulous day. Big hugs to you and my very best to the boys. ♥♥♥

  6. Bee, Hope your meeting are productive. Yes, nothing good about trying to make something work...when you know it's just not happening. Blessings, xoxo,Susie

  7. I would adore getting a present wrapped like that.
    And for his liking you more well what is not to like.
    You go girlfriend !

    cheers, parsnip


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