That's Ryan. We went to drag bingo. I got two numbers. The show was fantastic though.
Saturday, October 31, 2015
Thursday, October 29, 2015
So Friday means Andre' and that's a good thing. I've been really good about what I have eaten and I feel great but still have some blubber to dump.
Then in the afternoon I get to see TCD so he can check everything. :)
I lost fifty cents at canasta. Buggers on that!
Have a lovely day y'all. I will too, you can count on that!
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Seven months since the surgery. It is still changing but ever so slightly. I continue to take the photographs so I can see the progress and I show you because, well, because I tell all here. Well almost all. Ha.
Today is mahjong with my gal pals. Last week I lost ninety cents. I'll try to make up for it today.
Have a wonderful Wednesday and remember Wednesday is Prince Spaghetti Day.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Sunday, October 25, 2015
Kyle's third guest post...
Our evenings in South Florida are getting beautiful!
Bee loves a trolly ride :)
A Palm Beach and a Cape Cod at our favorite dive bar...
THE place to go for Martinis!
I have never in my life found myself in a situation where I've stopped work and said, 'Thank God it's Friday.' But weekends are special even if your schedule is all over the place. Something tells you the weekend has arrived and you can indulge yourself a bit.
Happy Weekend Everybody!
Apparently old Helen doesn't have a best friend like Bee's because I think that, although retired, Bee is every bit as excited for Friday/the weekend as I am!
This Friday we went a little bit low brow - burritos at Moe's downtown. It was a first for her and I am a firm believer that you just haven't lived until you've tackled one of their "Home Wreckers". For those of you who haven't been to Moe's, its a Tex Mex place with a walk up counter (very similar to Chipotle) with tables in front. Now, believe it or not, Bee and I sometimes have conversations that may err on the side of shall we say...inappropriate. One would think that one such conversation over a mountain of tortilla chips and queso dip would be sacred. One would be wrong. APPARENTLY this conversation was overheard by a group of what appeared to be freshman college students in the line behind us. We won't be returning there anytime soon - but hey, kids have to learn these things sometime, right?
No Friday date night would be complete without a frozen custard from Rita's and a trolly ride around Downtown West Palm Beach. The weather is just finally becoming tolerable at night and it was amazing riding around in an open air trolly, faces dry. We did night caps at our favorite dive bar. This is the kind of bar with no shortage of rainbow flags, but that isn't to say that there's not a variety of patrons. After ordering our first drink we were told that a guy across the bar had bought our drinks and it took some investigation to figure out whether they were bought for her or for me. I drew the short straw. $8 is simply not worth having to feign appreciation to a creepster in a football jersey.
We had to improvise our Saturday as I was stood up for a weekend getaway - are we beginning to see a pattern here, or what? In a situation like that what option do you really have other than to gorge on WAY too much fast food? After a gut busting afternoon Bee, myself and two other friends had a really nice, quiet dinner at home.
I woke up this morning SUDDENLY to my roommate and Bee literally jumping in my bed because for some sadistic reason they CANNOT STAND the fact that I like to sleep past 9am on the weekends. They thought it was hilarious - they're lucky that I wasn't armed. Bee did, as always, make it up to me...she treated me to a great late lunch and cocktails at Blue Martini downtown. Ice cream and a trolly ride were so nice Friday night we decided to go for a repeat tonight.
Weekends always fly by too soon! Until next week, don't do anything I wouldn't do!
I had a great lunch with Old Chuckie Duck today and we did our grocery shopping. Now I have a roast in the crock pot and it smells divine. Two ingredients, roast and can of French onion soup. Serve on hard rolls with the juice to dip and a big salad. D for done.
Have a great Sunday y'all. I will too. Kyle will guest post later.
Friday, October 23, 2015
See all the coconuts in that tree? It's growing in our parking lot. Luckily I have covered parking. Can you imagine someone planting coconut palms in a parking lot? Yikes.
Kyle and I had a lovely evening. He will tell you about it in his guest post Sunday.
I had a great workout with Andre'. He's coming again on Monday.
Have a great weekend y'all. I will too for sure.
Well Friday means Andre' and getting beat up and for sure I need it in a bad way. My plan is a great workout, a long hot shower, and if I'm lucky - a nap. How does that sound?
And then of course Friday night means date night with Kyle. Dinner and entertainment of some sort. Last week was my choice so this week is his. We take turns picking and paying. Works for us.
Have a lovely day y'all. I will too for sure!
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Everything went fine at the doctor visit, the scan was "so far so good". Whatever that means.
On another front the duck came through for me and I scored Bocelli tickets for Valentines Day and TCD is going with me. He's playing at the Hardrock Casino south of me. Yay!
Mahjong on Wednesday and then after that I'm getting my hair done and a pedicure. And Steve and Jane will be shining up my condo while I'm gone.
That's my world. How's yours!
Monday, October 19, 2015
The sun only came out for a short time and it's been so windy! Up this high the wind makes a lot of noise.
I cooked dinner for Ryan and Kyle. We had a nice time talking. I was going to invite the duck too but he was working late.
Today I have a doctor appointment. Nothing else going on.
Hope your day is lovely. Mine too!
And today I'm not...

Sunday, October 18, 2015
Kyle's second guest post...
The Adventures of GCFG and Cupcake - Weekend Update
We ordered one steak dinner and one stuffed shrimp dinner and had them split the two to make surf and turf.
Coconut cream pie - we spilt one and had two coffees.
The meal was delicious!
Happy weekend everyone!
We had another fun filled weekend. Our Friday started with dinner at Okeechobee Steakhouse. We ordered a Delmonico and Stuffed Shrimp which we had split to make our own Surf N' Turf. As you can see in the first couple of pictures everything came out perfectly, even our coconut cream pie for dessert. After dinner drinks at one of our favorite dive gin mills were wonderful as usual, ran into some familiar bar flies which always prove entertaining. My date stood me up, Bee and I are cursed on that front.
Saturday was a perfect lazy day - a carb, fat and sugar whirlwind of diet busting fast food goodness. Blue was the most popular suggestion for this week's gender bending pedicure - Blue Streak by Sally Hansen.
I woke up this morning...well, Bee putting groceries in my refrigerator. We wrapped up the weekend with a trip to the movies - The Martian with Matt Damon, which was surprisingly good. I now see a Sunday nightcap in our future!
Until next weekend, don't do anything I wouldn't do,
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Well Saturday went well. I had a lovely visit from my cousin Jackie and his beautiful wife Sandy and I SO enjoyed them both. Jackie took photos and will put them on Facebook where I will steal them and put them here so stay tuned for that in the near future.
I had to get ANOTHER Comcast box, I think this is my hundredth one already. I wish they could make a box that worked but no, it seems they can't. So then you have to call them and their customer service is SO amazing as anyone that uses this service clearly knows.
I painted Kyle's toenails blue and you will see them in his guest post tomorrow. They look adorable. I asked him if he wanted me to put makeup on him and he said he wasn't my Ken doll so I didn't get to do that.
Have a fabulous Sunday y'all. I will too for absolutely sure!

Friday, October 16, 2015
Kyle and Ryan. My two great friends!
So I had my scan yesterday and now I get to wait for the results. Dr. Wacks is going to call to check and see if they are ready and will call me. It may not be ready before Monday though.
Tomorrow my cousin Jackie and his wife are coming to visit me. I haven seen them in a few years and really like them so I am excited.
Tonight Kyle and I are having our Friday night dinner date. He will write a review for you in his post.
Have a lovely day y'all. I will too for sure.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
So yesterday TCD asked me if I would make a rhubarb pie for his mom. She hasn't been well and craved it. Of course I would! She is a darling woman so here it is.
Also yesterday started my protein only diet until the PET scan tomorrow. It's a pain but not a problem. I suppose I could force myself to eat steak and eggs.
I'm headed to the pool now. No exercise allowed but I can get in and float around a bit and enjoy it.
Have a great day! I will too for sure!
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
So today is mahjong and the start of my protein only diet for the scan in Friday. No exercise either.
My teeth are finished and so comfortable and they look perfect. He did each cap individually so it's really easy to floss too. Then he took me out to lunch and home. Then he called to check on me. And he might have held my hand crossing the street to he car. Both ways. Well he did. I swear that man is so cute he makes me swoon. Hand holding and a hug is all though.
Have a lovely Wednesday. I will too for sure.
Monday, October 12, 2015
So okay I did it. I got my new pink and green coffee mug from the trash. In fairness though it wasn't IN the trash but rather sitting ON TOP of the recycle bin. Now I want a whole set of dishes like it but can't find them. Yet. They must be out there.
So where will I be today you wonder? Well wonder no more. I had a call from TCD and I shall be in his chair for two hours gazing up at his cute face. And since I have to take Xanex again he's driving me home and his receptionist is taking me to his office. Full service. This should be the last of these appointments as my bottom teeth will be finished.
Last night I had a delivery from the pool mayor of some delicious chicken. I am the luckiest gal I know!
Have a fabulous Tuesday! I will too. For sure.
Sunday, October 11, 2015
So it was a great weekend. I had my lunch date on Saturday and I liked him very much. Don't know if he will call again but if he does I'd totally go out with him again. Plus I had so many laughs with Kyle I cannot tell you. What a fun friend.
Monday I am a sub in a canasta game. I don't really want to play, I'd much rather go to the pool but they needed me so I said yes.
Have a great new week y'all. I will too. For sure.
Friday, October 9, 2015
Hey All, it's Kyle! Bee and I thought that y'all might enjoy a periodic guest post from her BFF...if so, please comment a yes (or no) below!
If yes, my weekly updates would be about our adventures. For example, every Friday night we have "Date Night" where we go downtown and have cocktails and dinner. So, there would be local restaurant review in addition to updates on our typical, day-to-day debaucheries! (i.e. painting my toenails pink on whim [transcript of scenario below lol]).
Out of the blue:
Bee: Want me to paint your toenails pink?
Me: Ummm, why? You want to paint my toenails pink, don't you?
Bee: No, not at all....unless you want me to...
Me: Bullshit, you want to, don't you?
Bee: Yeah, yeah I do (nods head and smiles mischievously)
Me: Ok, let's do it...
She then damn near ran to her bathroom to bring a container of 600 shades of pink nail polish. She's freaking awesome :)
Until next time don't do anything I wouldn't do!
I took this photo after Andre was done making me do 100 leg lifts. This is what I was looking at while I did them. Next week I can't train because I have to have a PET scan so no exercise. I can get in the pool and move around which I will do but I can't work my muscles or it can cause a false positive. No caffeine. No carbs. No alcohol. No exercise. No fun. Oh, and no sex not that I have any anyway but that's on my no no list too.
Have a lovely day my dears!
Tonight is date night. On Fridays Kyle and I go out to dinner. He's one of the best friends I have ever had really. I'll nudge him to get on that guest post too.
Today I have Andre and I think I'm ready for him. But then just when I start to think that he steps it up again.
So I have a lunch date on Saturday. If it doesn't cancel. I don't mean to be negative but there are so many flakes out there. Anyway he's cute and we shall see. I hope he's not another frog, I'm searching for a prince.
And I don't need a man to complete me but I want one to date and keep company. If I don't find one its fine though. I hope Kyle finds someone too. He's such s great guy. Whoever ends up with him is very lucky. He's going to talk about it in his post.
Have a great Friday y'all. I will too. For sure.
Wednesday, October 7, 2015
The boys are inseparable. They do everything together.
Kyle said he's thinking about his guest post and will work on it this weekend.
My Thursday canasta game cancelled because we didn't have four gals to play so I'll be at the pool instead. Actually I'd rather be at the pool anyway so it's all good.
I've been having quite a lot of guys contacting me on the dating site all of the sudden. A couple of them are quite cute and have asked me out. Not sure yet what I'll do but I am going to give it some thought. I got upset by that last guy and don't want that to happen again. I thought he was a nice guy and he just turned out to be a jerk like so many others. You just never know. But then if you don't try you never will know I guess.
Have a lovely Thursday y'all. I will too. For sure!
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
Old Chuckie Duck in 1988 with his car. Yes, you saw him coming! The little hippy. Oh, and that graduation? We weren't sure it was going to happen until the last minute. He missed an art project and the teacher wasn't going to let him graduate. There was NEVER a dull moment with that guy!
Have a great day y'all. I will too for sure.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Well Tuesday morning means Andre' so that's where I'll be. Getting my fat behind worked.
Let's talk for a moment about me getting dumped. I realize it was just one date but he talked like he was coming back next weekend. Then bam. Honestly it was sort of strange anyway. But I do feel dumped. I'm not hurt but I am disgusted.
Moving on...
Sunday, October 4, 2015
Me and Kyle and Ryan last night having a drink after dinner. Oh, and Kyle has agreed to do a guest post soon. He's going to talk about the benefits of a straight woman and gay guy relationship and how it is fabulous for both parties, no expectations, just true friendship.
So it appears my TDH guy has dumped me. I have no idea why but it is what it is. That was the first time I have been dumped in my life. Oh well. Moving on...
Have a fabulous Monday y'all. I'll be hanging out with Ryan today for a bit.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Sunday means lunch with the duck. He bought a new car yesterday. He said he has stopped looking for a house for now, that it became too expensive for him paying for all the inspections and the deals falling through.
Then in the evening I am cooking for Kyle and Ryan. Chicken and salad. Not chicken salad, barbecued chicken and green salad.
And in between those two activities I want to swim so it's a busy day.
Have a great one! I will too.
Friday, October 2, 2015
When I opened my eyes this is what I saw this morning. I have no idea what it is and have never seen anything like it.
So tonight is my date with TDH. That's tall, dark, and handsome. Kyle picked out my clothes last night. Hopefully it will actually happen and I can take a photo and show you.
Have a marvelous day my dears. I shall too for sure!
Thursday, October 1, 2015
This is what I saw when I opened my eyes. Every morning it's like a different landscape painting. I am so lucky.
So tomorrow night is my date with my new guy. He should pick me up close to 8:00 and we are going to dinner. He said I can put a photo of us on the blog so I will show you when we take one. He's very handsome actually and very sweet and attentive.
Andre' will be beating me up at 10:00 at the pool. Oh, did I tell you the (self appointed) mayor (of the pool) brought me a delicious chicken breast last night. So sweet!
Hope your friday is as good as mine!
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