Wednesday, July 31, 2013

So July is over tonight!  How is that even possible?  Anyway I get to turn my calendar and see what new square dog delight is in store for me.  I won't peek, I turn it on the 1st every month.  Roche' loves that day too.

D#1 is coming along nicely, still has to take the pain meds and will for a bit but she is mobile and so happy it's all over.  The outcome could not be better actually.

Now I am really (really) tired so I'm done for the day.  Have a lovely Wednesday y'all.  Me too...


  1. Dear Bee,
    So very very glad that her surgery turned out well, and she is mending and mobile already.
    Hopefully in two more weeks, she will no longer need the pain meds. Is physical therapy covered in her insurance?

    Time flies by, you are right. It's hard to imagine it is August already!

    ((hugs to you and Roche))

  2. Scary that they send us home so we don't get an infection --- like Staph, SARS, and other nasty bugs. Ugh.
    I'm just very happy that the worst is over!!!

  3. Hooray that D#1 is coming along so well! SO what is this square dog of which you speak?

    Have a lovely, relaxing day, lovely ladies! big hugs xoxo

  4. Take it easy my lovely friend.Today I'm golfing today and tomorrow. Wow.That's different.


  5. This year seems to be flying by don't you think? Glad to hear your daughter is doing well. xx

  6. I can't believe it's about to be August! The year is flying by.

  7. Bee, I too feel as if July just flew by. I want to enjoy my summer. We got a wee bit of rain this morning. we need a bit more. So glad your daughter is doing better. Now you take care of yourself too. xoxo,Susie

  8. Buongiorno!

    Time flies by...i cannot say it does'nt...Happy that D#1 is feeling better...
    I like the sky there...we have sun and sun....

    Big hugs, honey!!

  9. I too want to know where July went. I know we did lots of stuff, but it all seems to have run together and rapidly at that. Oh well. Bring on August.

    I'm happy your daughter is doing so well. She has some major surgery and it's going to take time for her to heal. She will though and then she can have that pain free back she's waited for.

    You and Roche have a fabulous day honey. Big hugs from sunny California. ☺

  10. So glad D#1 is improving daily. I can't believe it's August! Time is flying by pas the speed or light and sound. It's crazy!


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