Sunday, December 13, 2015

Seriously folks, no one has made me pancakes since Sarge died. Kyle made me these. And brought them to me. With coffee. Too bad he's only 28.  And gay. But other than that he's perfect. 



  1. Gay guys make the best friends...or stand-in gandsons, depending on their age. You are lucky to have Kyle living so close.

  2. awwww but what a great friend.

    cheers, parsnip

  3. Well, doggies! You know I love him! And I remember when I was 28. In my mind, I still am. But in reality I'm now crunching numbers to see if I want to start drawing early social security or wait til I'm 66, now that my marital status has changed.


    Have a marvelous day! Big hugs xoxo

  4. That is so nice of him. being 28 is not the issue. Who care about age if you are happy.

  5. Bee, Kyle can cook and is cute...wish I had a brother for him. :) How sweet hose young fellows are ..such good friends. Blessings to all, xoxo,Susie


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