Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Meet Roche'!!

Roche' arrived about the time we started our dinner before poker so I didn't get to bond with him until afterward but he was happily napping anyway.  When we came upstairs he told me he loved bling and there is sure lots of it in my house.  We decided to start with the color of the Caribbean in honor of our upcoming cruise.  We have to pack soon.  He has a little suitcase too.  More (much more) to follow!

I was ahead in poker for awhile but ended up exactly even to the penny so it was a free evening out.  

Today if it isn't rainy we'll be at the pool.  I just love being a "we" again, I did not like being an "I".  Roche' is going everywhere with me.

Well it's May 1st.  When I was little in school we had "May Day" on May 1st with a Maypole and booths with lemons with a peppermint stuck in them to sip the lemon juice through and cake and balloon ascensions, games, races, it was so exciting.  School would be out at noon and then on to the school ground for the fun.  Do they even have May Day any more?  I never hear about it now.

Have a very happy Wednesday, I will too!


  1. May Day was also putting little homemade baskets with flowers on the doorknobs or am I thinking of some other day ?

    cheers, parsnip

  2. Loving Roche! Can't wait to hear his adventures.

    May Day isn't what it used to be. Like you, when I was at school we danced round the maypole and one year I was ROSE QUEEN on May Day at school. I got to wear a lovely dress, a train and a crown, and had attendants! see

  3. Boy, did Roche' ever hit the Jackpot! A fabulous Momma to love him, bling and a cruise... right off the bat! Just be careful at the pool... I hear rocks don't float too good. ;-)

    Have a fabulous We Day! big hugs xoxo

  4. If there is a May Day, I'm sure the unions have perverted it...
    I have plenty of rocks for friends. They roll about freely within my head.
    Happy Wednesday!

  5. I haven't thought about May Day in forever. Mom and I would make little baskets and fill them with flowers and candy. We would leave these on our neighbors/friends door steps on May 1st.

  6. I love the way you blinged up Roche! They don't celebrate May day down here.

  7. Roche looks handsome!!!!! Happy May Day!

  8. purrrrrsss n xoxoxoxoxo your Sammie Pie

  9. Bee, My daughters would make may day baskets for me while in school , many years ago. I always thought it was for making baskets of flowers or a posy to hang on someone's door. Glad you broke even last night. Do not carry Roche in a can look like a weapon, better wrap him like a baby.xoxo, Susie

  10. Welcome Roche'. I wonder if you want me to send him a Canadian friend from Canada just like you and me? Let me know my lovely friend soon. See you.

    Canadian Paul

  11. He's one handsome pet rock. I nicest looking of all the baby rocks. I know he'll be very happy with you and you two will have tons of fun together. I'm sure he'll be as smart or smarter than his daddy. Can't wait to see what he'll get into.

    Have a terrific day honey. Big hugs and lotsa lovies and scritches to all the babies. ☺

  12. I am so glad you have a new companion--a nice stable, rock solid man in your life once again. "We" is always so much better then "Me". We use to have May Day back when I was young also AND my Mother always made May Baskets that we took to a couple of shut-in, hung it on their door knob, rang their door bell and ran before they could see us. Such fun back then.

  13. Roche' looks quite lovely all blinged up. Bring on the bling!

  14. But is Roche' fully house-broken? He looks like he could break things if he'd a mind to....

  15. I don't think they do May Day anymore. Roche' is looking sharp. Rocksy is going to get dolled up by the weekend. She is busy getting acquainted with the family now.

  16. up here it means protests. Sad.

    I love his bling! He's going to have so much fun on the cruise. I just know it!

  17. Lucky guy...bling and a cruise. Let the spoiling begin!

    Big hugs, honey...

  18. I love May Day. I spent it in the sun planting things yesterday, while the nut cases in Seattle spent it destroying their city. Hmmm. I know some folks still do May Day, I wonder if my girls did anything, I haven't heard. I used to have them give flowers to people we knew and just have spring type of fun.


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