Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sorry I haven't posted but it was a rough week. I'm better now and only have one more treatment left. I will be so glad when this is over but I have to count my blessings to have it available.  I was back in the pool earlier today and it is warm and wonderful.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This isn't a new photo (still had hair!) because I didn't have anyone to take one but I have been back in the pool every day again. It's warm and wonderful and I'm doing my physical therapy in there. My next chemo is Monday so next week I'll be in bed probably but I got this!

Monday, May 8, 2017

So finally I was able to get back in the pool!  It was warm and wonderful. I was only able to do 45 minutes but I'll get back to my hour soon. I simply cannot tell you how good it felt. Like I got a bit of my old life back. Totally tits.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Some observations:

When my hair fell out I saw I had "ear hair". This fact had escaped me for my whole life. I could have gone longer without knowing this. Oh, and IT didn't fall out. 

Nor did that one hair I have to pluck on my chin every so often. Nope, that bastard grows like a weed. 

Remember I told you a while back that I discovered that I has ass wrinkles?  Well it seems that no amount of overeating from prednisone fills those bitches in. Yep, still got 'em. 

That is all. Carry on. 


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Ummm, we shall see won't we?  I'm doubtful but hopeful. Lol


Monday, May 1, 2017

Gosh I actually am not feeling too bad!  Day five and I'm good!  Thanks for everything y'all.