Monday, December 18, 2017

Chuck had his hip surgery today. It was scheduled for 2:30 but they didn’t take him until 5:15. It’s 8:00 PM. Ow and he’s still in recovery. All went well. Thanks for your messages and calls.

Thursday, November 30, 2017

So much is happening with regard to sexual problems in and out of the workplace. I will admit it happened to me and often. The difference is that back then you just shrugged it off and went on with life. I’m glad that’s changing. Having said that I do worry that there may be claims for political or financial reasons for untrue happenings. I have no answers but just wanted to talk about it a bit. Any thoughts?

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving y’all. What am I thankful for?  Frankly not to put a damper on anything but I’m thankful this year is almost over. Why?  Between cancer treatments, surgery for that and a hip replacement, PMR causing me to be on prednisone ten months now and the weight gained from that and now I have more if you can stand it. All Chuck’s surgeries and his upcoming hip replacement in December. 

I think I told you Kyle was arrested a few months ago. Originally it was for auto theft but that was dropped as the guy that lent him the car got mad at him and called it stolen but stupid Kyle was charged with probation violation five counts from years ago. To make a long story short my buddy is now serving five years.  I am heartbroken. 

I will overcome but right now I have to stop and recover a bit. Stay with me- I will be back.

Thursday, November 16, 2017

Sorry to be gone so long. I’ll try to catch you up a bit. I saw two movies. First Bad Moms Christmas which was really good and then Daddy’s Home 2 which was awful.

Chuck is having his hip replacement on December 18th. Hopefully he will be out of pain after that. Poor guy is so miserable.

I’m going back to Dr. Wacks Tuesday and I hope to be off steroids then. My weight is up but it’s really hard to lose on those pills.

Hope everyone has a great thanksgiving!


Tuesday, October 10, 2017

I went to see American Made tonight. I liked it a lot.  It’s based on a true story too. It was nice to get out at night.  Tomorrow is Mahjong. I’m trying to pull myself out of this funk and have a semblance of a life again. It seems the more I stay in the harder is is to go out. Not good.

Hope y’all are doing good!

Friday, October 6, 2017

Roche’ said he’s been left out long enough and wants to come back and see y’all. He’s been a “pretty” good boy. Usually. He tries not to get in trouble but it’s hard sometimes.

Anyway I’ve been in a kind of funk this week and not been very sociable. It happens sometimes I know but I never even left the apartment for days. Just showered and got in clean pj’s and that’s about it. Today I went to Publix finally. I’ve been eating out of the pantry and it was getting hard to do!

Hope y’all are doing good. I am too. Now.

Sunday, October 1, 2017

It’s Paul’s birthday!  Let’s all wish him a happy day today!  


Monday, September 25, 2017

Everything is pretty much back to normal in my world. I’m going to shop tomorrow and send a box to a friend in Puerto Rico. She has water and internet but no power so dry food and batteries and books. She’s a cruise friend (Paul it’s Nannie) and there are lots of us sending things so it should help.   I know what it’s like to eat out of the pantry but I only had to do it for a few days. There is no telling when she’ll get power. One estimate is six months. I sure hope it’s not that long.  Hope y’all are good. I am.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

I ventured into Whole Foods today thinking publix would be a zoo. I was able to get a dozen eggs for $6.99,  chicken, salad stuff, and a few small incidentals. No milk available. It's getting back to normal though.

I have a session with Andre Monday morning. Trying to rebuild life here.

Hope you are well. I'm fine.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Final storm update:  I'm home with full power and Internet and cable. I emptied the fridge and freezer and I'm totally exhausted. I shall be fine tomorrow. Thanks so much for all your concern and caring. Y'all are totally tits!

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Still no power but I did see six power trucks working right outside the gate so hopefully it won't be long now. Chuck's is back as of last night.

One neighbor called to to see if he could "borrow " some ice. I said where would I get ice?  He said doesn't your freezer have any?  Head. Wall. Head. Wall.

Next up is a guy on the seventh floor that called Comcast to fix his service. They came out. The problem?  No power. FFS people.

So that's it in my world... how's yours?

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Irma update Sunday night:  it's just wind and rain now. The power is out. Cable has been out most of the day. I'm very comfortable in a lovely home with a generator so there is ac and we cooked a nice dinner. Hope to go home tomorrow and hope power is back on soon. But not to worry about me. I spoke to  Chuck and he was not as comfortable as me but was ok and safe. We were on the lucky side of the state for sure.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Dear friends,  I shall be fine.   Chuck is staying at Fern House and as I told you I'm staying at a friend's house. We are in the area that others have been evacuated into. We are not in an evacuation zone. It will be scary but we are strong and will do fine. We won't, however, have power afterward and possibly not cell service either. If I don't post that is the reason. As soon as I'm able I will let you know what's happening. Love you all...

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Don't worry about me and Irma. I am staying with a friend that has a whole house generator and I will be fine.  If you are in the path hunker down and stay safe!

Monday, September 4, 2017

Cute "bee" cups!  

So, what's been happening in my world?  Just trying to get my fat a$$ back on a diet and I have been doing good exercising.  Chuck is working and doing good but still has to have his hip replacement as soon as he's well enough. 

Not much else. Oh, I saw Kidnapped with Halle Berry. It was ok but not much more than a ninety minute car chase.  It was a nice evening out though. I don't get out many evenings. 

Hope your world is fabulous. Mine is, as always!


Sunday, August 27, 2017

Pink hair for breast cancer awareness. Nuts? Yes but fun and it's only hair. 

Have a great week!


Tuesday, August 8, 2017


Andre took this around 10:30 this morning after he worked me hard and then made me do 100 crunches. I'm sore but it felt so good to do it!

Chuck drove his car today for the first time in three months!  He felt so good doing it. 

Maybe we're both on the recovery road...


Friday, August 4, 2017

I have about 1/4 inch of hair now and my hairdresser wants to dye it pink. I'm thinking about it. If I do it I'll show you.  Right now it's pretty awful.  But it will get better!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

I'm working with Andre twice a week again and getting stronger. My weight is up and I'm still on meds that are making it really hard to lose but I'm trying. 

 Chuck is slowly improving too. I took him to work today for a while. First thing a guy went up to him and slapped him on the back. He meant well but really?

Hope your world is grand. Mine is slowly becoming so. I'm even starting to think about cruises.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

I know I've been absent so I'll catch you up now.  Chuck is home and did not get to go to rehab, thank you Obamacare very much. D#1 had to finally get back to work. She has been an angel truly. Chuck is very weak and not able to do much yet but he's trying. Between Fern House and me we keep him fed. He is able to do his own infusion daily. We saw Dr. Wacks today. That man is an angel too. I get in the pool when I get the chance. This shall pass and we will all be well soon. Hang in there. We are. And trust me, I'm not Miss Bee Havin these days. Lol.

Friday, July 7, 2017

Chuck is still in the hospital but finally does seem to be improving. I'm there every day, usually gen to twelve hours. It's taking its toll on me but I'm managing. Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Friday, June 30, 2017

Chuck came out of ICU and into a regular room today. He was able to take a couple of steps also. D#1 is still with him Day and night. He told me today she is an angel. I already knew that. Nothing happens in hospitals on weekends so I know she will keep up his therapy which he needs so badly. Thanks so much for all your comments. I love you guys!

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

This is a hard post to make. Chuck is now in ICU and had a heart attack on Monday night.  Thank goodness D#1 was with him. At 2:00 AM he had trouble breathing and Dr. Wacks was there in ten minutes and between them they got him stable and into ICU and comfortable. She has not left him at all. My routine is exercise in the morning and hospital in the afternoon. He will get better but it's going to be a long uphill struggle for him. We shall overcome !

Sunday, June 25, 2017

I'm coming back to the living now. Chuck is still in the hospital and having infection problems and is totally miserable but there is nothing I can do and can't even visit yet. I have to let it go. D#1 will be back here tomorrow night and I am so hopeful that things will change for the better. Hang in there. I am...

Monday, June 19, 2017

Last chemo done!  Off to bed for a few days...

Friday, June 16, 2017

I feel like all I do is apologize for not posting but I spend every day at the hospital with Chuck. He is making progress and can walk a bit with a walker now, but still in a lot of pain and scheduled to have another surgery on Tuesday. Since I'm having my last chemo Monday I won't be any help to him next week but I can't postpone it again. We will get through this!  Honest we will!

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Again I'm so sorry for being absent so long. Chuck is back in the hospital and I've moved my last chemo out a week to help him. Not sure when he will get out but will need more help then as well. He was doing really great after his surgery but after two weeks started having problems. More surgery. Lots of pain. He still couldn't walk today but was able to stand briefly. Anyway we will get through this. Thanks for understanding !

Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Sorry I haven't posted but it was a rough week. I'm better now and only have one more treatment left. I will be so glad when this is over but I have to count my blessings to have it available.  I was back in the pool earlier today and it is warm and wonderful.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

This isn't a new photo (still had hair!) because I didn't have anyone to take one but I have been back in the pool every day again. It's warm and wonderful and I'm doing my physical therapy in there. My next chemo is Monday so next week I'll be in bed probably but I got this!

Monday, May 8, 2017

So finally I was able to get back in the pool!  It was warm and wonderful. I was only able to do 45 minutes but I'll get back to my hour soon. I simply cannot tell you how good it felt. Like I got a bit of my old life back. Totally tits.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Some observations:

When my hair fell out I saw I had "ear hair". This fact had escaped me for my whole life. I could have gone longer without knowing this. Oh, and IT didn't fall out. 

Nor did that one hair I have to pluck on my chin every so often. Nope, that bastard grows like a weed. 

Remember I told you a while back that I discovered that I has ass wrinkles?  Well it seems that no amount of overeating from prednisone fills those bitches in. Yep, still got 'em. 

That is all. Carry on. 


Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Ummm, we shall see won't we?  I'm doubtful but hopeful. Lol


Monday, May 1, 2017

Gosh I actually am not feeling too bad!  Day five and I'm good!  Thanks for everything y'all.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Chemo number two is done. Hopefully it will be easier this time since she reduces it by 25%.  Now it's jammies and rest. Thanks y'all for being there for me. It's lovely. 


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

This is my wig. It's by Raquel Welch and it's very comfortable. Not itchy at all. 

Tomorrow is my second dose of poison. I mean chemo. Hopefully it will be easier than the first one. 

I've had a lovely week and felt good so I'm ready to carry on...


Thursday, April 20, 2017

About half my hair has come out now. It just is thinner and I was still able to style it and play canasta today. Tomorrow I go get my wig and will lose much more hair by then I'm sure. If I run a hairbrush through it it's full of hair each stroke. It doesn't hurt and I'm sure it will come back after I finish everything. Wednesday is my next chemo treatment. It's all good. I shall be fine and become strong again. I promise.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Dinner with TCD was lovely. Sorry I took this after we finished eating and I had no lipstick on.  Anyway I had a fabulous evening!


Friday, April 14, 2017

 I had a visit with Dr Wacks today and here's what he said…

There comes a time when your doctor must tell you to just shut up and do what I say.   This is that time. Just take the treatment.

Still not sure what I'm going to do but I do feel much better right now and I may go ahead with it. As always, I will tell you when I know.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Chemo update:  I had an oncology appointment today and I am considering dropping further chemo. I am weighing the chances of recurrence with both options. I hate to be such a woosy but it was seriously the worst week of my life. The numbers take me from a 16% chance of it coming back to 9% with more chemo. Big decision. If any if you have any knowledge or input I welcome your thoughts. 


Monday, April 10, 2017

Day 6:  I seemed to have lost a few days. Sort of slept, moaned, and generally had some "ookie" days. That's the only word I can think of to describe them. Today I may be a tiny bit better. Not sure yet but hope so...

Friday, April 7, 2017

Day 3:  needed Imodium and anti nausea meds. Lethargic and lazy. 

For those that asked this was my first ever chemo. Before I had radiation. 

Must lay down. 


Thursday, April 6, 2017

Day 2...  not bad. Meds kept nausea away and just lazy is all I can really say. Of course tomorrow is supposed to be the start of feeling weak and puny. We shall see. 

So far so good. It took six hours to get all the life saving poison in my vein but I tolerated it okay. There are lots of pills to take after and I made a chart so I don't forget. Slept great and woke at 4:00 am. Thanks for all the encouragement. It really means the world to me. 


Wednesday, April 5, 2017

And it begins... the poison dripping into my body that will hopefully give me a long life. 


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Sorry for not posting more often  I think I am having a bit of depression.  I still can't get in the pool and it's so beautiful out.  My final visit with the surgeon (I hope) is this afternoon and then tomorrow starts the chemo.

I'm having taxotere and cytosin (not sure if either of them are spelled right).  I have six rounds scheduled, one every three weeks.  I don't have a port yet because of everything else going on but should have it before the next one.

So just when you think you have it bad you have a call that lets you know you don't, that yours isn't bad at all.  My therapist called to cancel yesterday because his son died over the weekend.  That put it all in perspective for me.

Hope your day is great,  I'm going to make mine be one way or another!


Friday, March 24, 2017

Omg slept until 10:30!  My bed is soooo great. Clean fed (thanks mayor of the pool and his bride for the amazing grilled chicken!) and rested. Publix delivered my groceries. 

Now time for visiting nurse and therapist to come. 

It's all good in my world. Hope yours is too!


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Home sweet home. A shower never felt so good!


Wednesday, March 22, 2017

I am still in the freaking hospital and still have a drain. Don't know any more than that really. Except that I can't go home until it stops draining. Buggers. 

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Well rats. I'm back in the hospital and had more surgery last night. It started leaking again so they had to cut it partly open and put in a drain. Buggers. Looks like probably three days here and then home now. But I'm comfortable and safe and still doing therapy. 


Thursday, March 16, 2017

Three weeks past surgery and I'm going home Saturday. All is as expected. Therapy is really intense but I'm keeping up. I can walk with a cane now but not without yet. 

I'll talk about the chemo soon. 


Thursday, March 9, 2017

And she's the bingo champion of the west wing!  

I started walking with s cane today for a bit. That's progress. Two weeks ago today was the surgery. I feel good but am still limited in the movements I can do. 

Be well y'all. 


Saturday, March 4, 2017


My surgeon was here today and I'm doing great!  Then he played the piano for an hour. Great guy!

Then some of my Mahjong gals came and brought me orchids. 

I had a visit from the duck too. 

Oh, and I was in bed with a guy. I suppose you want an explanation so it happened in therapy. All the beds were occupied so I had to share the big one. He said he'd keep his hands to himself and he did. Oh, and did I mention he was about a hundred?  Never dull in my world!


Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bingo!  I won $1.75!  Well plus I did 80 minutes of PT and Occupational Therapy too but that wasn't as much fun. 

Seriously I'm doing very good and not hurting too bad so it's all good. The down side is the chemo that's next but I've got that handled too. 

Have a great day y'all!
