Friday, December 30, 2016


So while I was dreaming about cruising I got to thinking- you know that Subaru commercial where they donate $250 to charity every time they sell a car?  Well guess who is really paying that $250?  The buyer of course. It's built into the price of the car. Then they get to deduct it on their corporate taxes. Put a little love in your heart. You heartless bastards. 


Wednesday, December 28, 2016

So I ended up at Dr. Wacks today. My legs were aching so bad I could hardly walk. He gave me prednisone and told me what it is and I am much better already. He told me to use Sarge's walker until I am completely better because if I were to fall I'd be in a pickle so I am but I'm going to be fine soon. I love that man.

Hope y'all are great!


Tuesday, December 27, 2016

The pool has been fabulous!  I hope this 80 degree weather never leaves!


Friday, December 23, 2016

I think all my appointments are scheduled and it will be the middle of January before I have all the facts so I'm the meantime I'm going to try to concentrate on other things. I am doing good on a ketogenic diet. D#1 says sugar feeds cancer and carbs are sugar or turn into sugar so I'm doing my best with this. 

Tomorrow I am having Christmas Eve lunch with the duck and then Christmas Day I'm having dinner at the Fern House. Kyle will be there too. 

Hope your holiday is totally tits but if it's now, don't fret. Most aren't. We are all human and perfection is not realistic. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Well the appointment with radiology was promising. Of course I still have to have the surgeon sign on but he thinks I can have another lumpectomy and a new radiation that is only one treatment done during surgery. I won't know more until the middle of January but it made me feel much better!


Tuesday, December 20, 2016

So today was a day off from the medical field. I exercised in the pool and did laundry. I am on a very low carb diet as sugar (carbs) feed cancer and I don't want to feed mine. So far I am managing it pretty well. It's a very restrictive diet but doable. 

Stick with me. We'll get through it!


Monday, December 19, 2016

So this is me jumping for joy. Not. 

I have to see the radiologist in the next few days to see if I can have another lumpectomy and radiation again and if not I will need more invasive surgery. I guess you can figure out what that means. I have a few more hours of D#1 before she leaves but I promised I'd let you know what I found out. 


Saturday, December 17, 2016

Ahhh. Kyle's foot massages are SO great. So- the medical issue. I do have breast cancer again and will let you know what treatment I will have after my oncologist decides on Monday. It will be fine. I beat cancer twice before and I will again. I will also blog about it because you never know if it might help someone and I'm not ashamed that I have this issue. Not at all. I've always been very open here and will continue to be. Don't be afraid to talk about it with me or anyone and we will take this path together. 


Friday, December 16, 2016

So the radio is finally finished. I had a great time but I'm SO glad it's over. I have a medical issue I have to get past (and I will) and then I'll work on getting my life back. And my blog going again!  Thanks for sticking with me. 


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The Fern House Christmas party was a great success. Amazing actually. 

Yes Friday is my last day on the radio show. We are announcing it tomorrow on the air. It wasn't public knowledge before. I think Joe is going to leave too. We both have an opportunity to move to iHeart Radio but I am leaning toward not going. I don't want a career at my age. I want my life back. Never say never but I doubt it. 

Have a great day!


Monday, December 12, 2016

Mini Bee made me do it...

I'm totally getting coal in my stocking this year.  I've been getting so many wrong numbers on my cell phone I started fighting back. In my own way...

The latest:  

Female voice:  "Scott?" (Really? I sound like Scott?)
Me:  no he stepped out. We were out of condoms again. 



Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Hair day was a success in my opinion. Sorry no makeup other than lipstick. Have a date coming up in about ten days. I'll let you know how it goes of course. In the meantime have some fun and try not to stress over the holidays. 


Sunday, December 4, 2016

Well the weekend is winding down. I have two more weeks to get up early. 

You asked what happened to Steve. He started showing his douch-baggery-ness. Bye bye. 

Hope your new week is totally tits. Mine too. 


Friday, December 2, 2016

Lunch with Kyle today was fun and I got to see the duck too. I have two more weeks on the radio. I gave three weeks notice a week ago. I simply cannot keep it up. It's lots of fun and if I were younger and had more energy I'd stay but it's just not possible. 

It's tough to have to admit that I'm getting old and slowing down!  Buggers. 

Have a great weekend!


Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Grandson Daniel came for a visit and after I fed him I put him to work. I no longer have that awful Comcast rental modem/router but rather a new high speed one that I own. Smaller. Sleeker. Faster. No charge after purchase. Win!


Sunday, November 27, 2016

Mini Bee is hoping Santa hasn't seen some of her antics but I suspect he has. She had better get her act together. Fast! Lol


Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thursday, November 17, 2016


The closet is DONE! D#1 did most of it and it took two days. The donate pile is the last photo. I didn't show the pile that went in the trash. 

I am so happy!!


Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Please feel free to call in with any questions, song requests, anything really. 

Love you guys!


Sunday, November 13, 2016

Seems I still can't get a great night shot but I keep trying. 

D#1 surprised me by coming by today on her way to work in South Florida. She already gone but the visit was great. 

Have a wonderful new week y'all. 


Thursday, November 10, 2016

On Friday November 11th please remember Veterans Day. Thank you. 


Sunday, November 6, 2016

Arggg! The time change got me. I changed the clocks, I did everything I was supposed to do but I didn't wake up on time. I woke up at 5:30 instead of 4 AM. I ran around like a nut job getting dressed, I took my morning pills, and ran out of the house. I could just make it to the station by airtime. 

Then I realized it was Sunday night not Monday morning.  Krap on a stick. 


Saturday, November 5, 2016

So I went to see Girl on the attain tonight. At first I thought it was weird but then I liked it. I didn't guess the ending either. 

Have a great Sunday y'all. I will too!  


Friday, November 4, 2016

How good can one birthday get?  Pink roses, red roses, purple orchids, wonderful handmade card from Paul, two cakes, box of lovely pears, Breakers Steakhouse dinner and TCD. 

It seems Facebook wants me to get friendly with Phoonsak Anus. Um, well, I'm going to pass on this one. 

So after the show today I got a mani/pedi on my way home. There is no show tomorrow, we are rerunning Monday's show as I don't have anyone to go on with me and a day off sounds amazing anyway. 

Have a great one!


Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Beautiful day today. I had Mahjong but I got to ride down the ocean both ways. I took this on my way home while I waited in traffic. 

Steve and Jane made my condo all shiny and clean while I was gone. 

Have a great day!


Tuesday, November 1, 2016

After trying twice before I finally was able to vote this morning. In and out in two minutes. Well I had my sample ballot filled out which helped but no problems. 

My back is much better but the bursitis in both hips still hurts bits a bit better but it takes time. 

Have a great week y'all!


Sunday, October 30, 2016

Boo!  I mean buzz. Happy Halloween y'all. 


What a lazy Saturday I had!  Other than a very few chores I watched movies on the couch. It was lovely. 


Friday, October 28, 2016

Morning show WDZP 101.1 FM

To answer some of yesterday's questions the flowered purse in the coffee table is ceramic, a gift from the mayor of the pool and his lovely wife. 

Next no, I did not ask TCD out, he asked me.  Yay me!

I tried to do early voting today but the line was so long I gave up and left. I'll try again. 

So it's officially the weekend and I'm going to enjoy sleeping in for sure!

Have a great one!


Thursday, October 27, 2016

Both orchids are from TCD. Remember him?  Me too. Sigh... stay tuned, there's a date in the works. 

My back is better and all that's left is the bursitis in both hips. Painful but it will get better. 

Thanks for reading!


Saturday, October 22, 2016

Update:  we saw the Jack Reacher movie instead!  It was great. 


I have my Halloween costume ready. I just don't know if I'm going to have anywhere to wear it. 

Tonight I'm going (against my better judgement) to see Ouiji with Steve. I am very afraid of horror movies and haven't seen one in more than 30 years. Oh well. I may be up all night. 

Have a great day!


Friday, October 21, 2016

Well we made it through another week. I had a good session with my chiropractor today too and feel a bit better. He told me to ice it and rest this weekend and come back on Monday. I am so ready to be well and out of pain. 

Hope your weekend is totally tits!


Thursday, October 20, 2016

This has been a hard week on the radio with Joe and Angel both out of town. It's been hard to fill three hours a day with only Steve and me.

I'm still having issues with my back but it is improving slowly. I'm still seeing the chiropractor several times a week and that seems to be helping and I'm using ice.

Let's all have a fabulous weekend.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Mini Bee has a new outfit. Roche' told her she was hawt. But she is pretty slutty. 

Paul called in to the radio show today. That was fun. 

Tomorrow is Mahjong after the show. 

I still want to see the Accountant but maybe this weekend. 

Have a great day y'all. 


Friday, October 14, 2016

Saturday night is the big show at the Fern House. Tickets are selling really good. 

I had a busy day. Radio, chiropractor, and hair. Oh, and then nap. Delicious nap. 

That's it from my world. How's yours?


Thursday, October 13, 2016

Chuck was on the radio show this morning. If you're on Facebook you can see the live feed. That was a lot of fun. 

I have canasta in an hour but I wanted to post something here before I have to get ready. 

I'm getting my hair done tomorrow. It feels good to be getting out and doing a few fun things again. 

Back soon. 


Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Slowly I'm getting things back in some semblance of order after not being able to do anything for so long. Honestly I'm not completely over it yet but I'm so much better than I was it feels like I'm well. 

Along with all this I'm really trying to eat low cal and healthy but that's not easy either because I need to do a big grocery shopping trip. That I am NOT up to yet. 

So all in all I feel pretty good and I'll just take it day by day. 


Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Tuesday and I got home from the show at 9:15 and I have the rest of the day free. I changed my sheets, did some laundry and had a short nap. I am definitely getting better now. Nearly there.   It's been rough I tell you. 

There is no Mahjong tomorrow because of the Jewish holiday and I'm sort of glad to have another day off. I have lots to do in the house because my cleaning people didn't come because of the hurricane. 

Be well y'all. 


Monday, October 10, 2016

Mini Steve on the air...

I'm still alive and kicking. It's not going to get the best of this old broad although it's trying its best. Three weeks this cold has lasted!  I'm so weak too. Poor Andre thinks I've deserted him but I haven't. I just have truly not had the strength to do much if anything but slowly I'm coming back to life. 

My advice: don't get sick! Lol


Sunday, October 9, 2016

Mini Bee is quite the little vixen. She can be raunchy and tries to get me in trouble but I keep her in check. At least I try to. 

I am nearly well now.  I hope it's all behind me. This was a dreadful cold lasting more than three weeks. 

Tomorrow I'll be back on the radio. If you want to listen on your computer go to There is an arrow near the top of the page for live streaming. 6:00-9:00 est. 

Be well my friends!


Saturday, October 8, 2016

I was surprised by my handsome grandson today. This is Matt. It was totally tits too!


Friday, October 7, 2016

I'm home safe and sound. Showered. In my pajamas and kicking back. 

All I really saw on my way home was some branches down. We are very lucky!


Thursday, October 6, 2016

I'm safe at Steve's house. It's inland and is CBS with storm shutters. We have plenty of food and water. Be safe everyone.


Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Big storm this Matthew. I have the shutters closed and I'm in but actually may leave in the morning. Steve wants me to stay at his place and it would be safer. He said he'd pick me up and I'm giving it serious consideration. I'll update when I can. Be safe. 


Tuesday, October 4, 2016

It seems we have a storm headed our way named Matthew. It has been many years since we've had a storm like this in our area. We have many new people here. I hope they don't panic but to prepare for it.The news teams update around the clock and it seems like they're trying to scare everyone. I think it's for ratings.we will be fine if we just do what we're supposed to do and stay out of harms way. Of course some will want to go to the beach to see the big waves and some will want to have parties but this is not the time.

I will be fine and I will be prepared. Back soon. 


Sunday, October 2, 2016

I'm going to make a great effort to be a better blogger and post much more often. In the past few months my life has been upside down and I'm going to get it back on track.

Steve and I are still friends in fact we went out last night to a comedy show where he was performing.

My back continues to give me problems and I am under the care of a great chiropractor. I go three times a week.

So stick with me and let's see where this goes. Thanks!
